Team 7407 Wired Boars {TEMPLATE} Robot Code
├── autonomous (Contains autonomous routines for robot)
├── command (Contains commands for command scheduling)
│ └──
├── oi (Operator Interface)
│ ├── (Contains keymappings to commands)
│ └── (Contains controller keymaps for each subsystem and controller)
├── sensors (Contains sensor classes)
│ └── (Contains sensor classes)
├── subsystem (Contains subsystem classes)
│ └──
├── tests (Contains custom tests for code verification)
│ └──
│ └── (Contains test fixtures)
│ └── (Contains test examples for writing tests)
├── utils (Contains utilities like optimizations, conversions)
│ └──
├── .gitignore (Filters out unnecessary files, for example *.pyc)
├── (This file)
├── (Variables held constant throughout code.)
├── (Easy configurations for entire robot.)
├── poetry.lock (DO NOT EDIT. Use "poetry add {package}" to add packages.)
├── pyproject.toml (DO NOT EDIT.)
├── (Central program, controls everything.)
└── (Contains initialized sensors and subsystems)
You will need to have at least python 3.10 installed on your computer.
If you have a Apple Silicon ARM mac, at some point you will be asked to intall Rosetta, you will be asked to install it at some point. It is required, so go ahead when it asks.
If you want to know if Rosetta is installed you can look at the folder usr/libexec/Rosetta
. If there is any files in this folder then you have Rosetta installed.
You will need to intall the intel x64 version python 3.10 on your computer.
You will need to install homebrew first.
arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
All the intel versions of all software on the Mac is in the /usr/local/bin
folder. You will need to be in that directory to run any of the intel versions on your Mac. After getting into /usr/local/bin
then use homebrew to install at least python 3.10.
arch -x86_64 ./brew install [email protected]
If you want a convenient alias for intel python, run the next command with the successful python from the last command:
echo "alias python86='arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/python3.10-intel64'" > ~/.zshrc
arch -x86_64 curl -sSL | ./python3-intel64 -
You may get an error when you try to install poetry:
urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)>
If this happens you need go to spotlight and run Install Certificates.Command
. Then you will be able to install poetry.
After poetry installation is complete, change into a directory where you want python programs
git clone
cd 7407-DriveCode-Template
poetry update
To open virtualenv shell (Run this every time you open a new terminal in that folder)
python86 -m poetry shell
git clone
If you prefer ssh:
git clone [email protected]:Choate-Robotics/7407-DriveCode-Template.git
curl -k | python3 -
You might have to replace "python" at the end with "python3" depending on how python is configured in your system.
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -
Further information can be found here:
Make sure to add Poetry to your path.
poetry shell
poetry install
Connect to the robot's wifi.
python deploy
If absolutely necessary, use python deploy --no-version-check
to avoid WPILib version issues on the robot.
Make sure to run pre-commit install
before your first commit. When you commit, pre-commit will automatically check all files you have staged using Flake8, Black, ISort, and other formatters.
If the response contains an ERROR:
- If the error response contains "Files were modified by this hook":
git add .
git commit -m "Message"
- Otherwise, manually fix the issues outlined, re-stage your files (
git add.
) and recommit.
- If the error response contains "Files were modified by this hook":
Do not forget to git add .
before committing.
Comment, comment, comment!
- Use block quotes to start any function with parameters, and every class's "__init__" function. Block quotes should contain:
- Summary
- Arguments, with types and descriptions
- Return description
There are many extensions to help with docstrings. Examples include:
- autoDocstring on VsCode
- On PyCharm
- Place your cursor over a function or class name.
- Alt-Enter
- Generate documentation string stub
- Use single line comments for any function without parameters with a description of the function.
- Use single line comments before any complex function to describe how it works, and to the right of any line or variable that is very complicated.
- Use TODO comments freely.
Always use poetry add {library}
to add libraries. This ensures that libraries are compatible and allows everyone to work easier.
Never, ever, edit poetry.lock or pyproject.toml manually.
To commit:
git add .
git commit -m "Message"
To push:
git push
To pull:
git fetch
git pull
To branch, first make sure that all your local changes are committed. If you would like to abandon the changes, run git reset --hard
. Be very careful with resetting.
To branch: ``git branch {branch name}
Branch names are as follows:
- Subsystem Initialization branch format: init/{subsystem}
- Example: init/shooter
- Example: init/drivetrain
- Feature branch format: feat/{subsystems}/{feature}
- Example: feat/shooter/optimized_shooting
- Example: feat/intake-index/ejection
- Fix branch format: fix/{subsystems}/issue
- Example: fix/camera_server/wrong_ports
- Example: fix/robot/network_loop_time
- Example: fix/sensors/clean_up
- Competition branch format: comp/{competition}/day/{day}
- Example: comp/battlecry/day/0 (load_in, initial setup, configurations)
- Example: comp/hartford/day/1
To integrate a branch with branch Main, create a pull-request with the same title as your branch. Make sure pre-commits pass before pushing to ensure clean code.
- To avoid frustration, please use
git commit -m "{Message}" --no-verify
- USE LOGGER! It makes it easier on everyone to debug.
- Shuffleboard is preferred over the Smart Dashboard and console for debugging. To use shuffleboard, just push a string, number, boolean, or similar value to the SmartDashboard using "wpilib.SmartDashboard.pushNumber ..." etc. The value is then accessible through ShuffleBoard.
- RobotPy Documentation We love RobotPy!
- WPILib Documentation RobotPy is just a wrapper for the WPILib C++ Code. Most of the structure remains the same.
- Chief Delphi Many a sensor problem have been fixed by looking here.
- 7407 DriveCode-2021-Python Worlds level code!