Tags: Chosko/AlembicImporter
Toggle 20180119-chosko's commit message
Toggle 20171207's commit message
fixed issue with cacheSamples not having any effect.
Toggle 20170825's commit message
added auto-activation when in timeline clip
Toggle 20170822's commit message
fixed 1frame lag when playing alembic from timeline/playable
Toggle 20170705's commit message
- added vertex sharing option to UI
- vertex sharing on by default
Toggle 20170627's commit message
Adding option to treat vertex extra data as constant through playblack
extra data being: UV, normals and tangents read from file.
Toggle 20170626's commit message
addede support for vertex sharing for fix topology abc files.
this is investigative as performance might actually be worse.
Toggle 20170824's commit message
Toggle 20170706's commit message
Toggle 20170504's commit message
Moved to Unity 2017.1.0b3 API
Addpted to API changes in Unity.
You can’t perform that action at this time.