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What is this

  • new file [util/create_pot] (crawl-ref/source/util/ to generate gettext message catalog templates
  • massaging many strings into more translation-friendly ones
    • mpr() combined with ternary operator building are mostly split
    • Get rid of many %s that were used to build message content by substituting in verbs etc. - not all languages follow English grammar rules
    • Occasionally rewrite some pieces of code for easier string extraction
  • finally toss gettext into the mix and translate all the things (if only)
    • Right now, mpr and mprf are translated unconditionally, but some strings are exempt from extraction.
    • Additionally, these are run through gettext as well: _output_expiring_message _annotate_form_based _decrement_a_duration prompt_invent_item[s] notify_fail yesno yes_or_no [lua/vaults: crawl.mpr crawl.yesno crawl.yesnoquit message_at_spot]
  • exclusion file for strings to not be extracted: [exclude.pot] (crawl-ref/source/dat/po/exclude.pot)
  • ngettext support (plural-aware translations) right now only exists for the newly-introduced mprf_plural but should be expanded on.

How to test?

To test the pseudo-localization that is [shipped with this repo] (crawl-ref/source/dat/po/):

  • Export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 unless already set (if you do not have that locale installed, generate it with locale-gen)
  • Run ./crawl from source/ dir

Else, if you want to see manual translations in-game, in dat/po/:

  • Generate a translation: man msginit
  • Pseudo-localize it: podebug --rewrite unicode <file.po>
  • Compile the translation: man msgfmt (should be output to [source/dat/lang/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/] (crawl-ref/source/dat/lang/))

To test template generation yourself, run ./util/ in source/ dir.

List of TODO items

Exclude from extraction

  • All mprf to MSGCH_ERROR and MSGCH_DIAGNOSTICS (automatically, not via exclude.pot)
  • dlua errors
  • Vault messages:
    • ancient_champ errors
    • twisted.des dpeg_entry_water_fire veto message
    • trove debug messages
  • Make sure character notes and dumps in general never end up translated

Keywords and string extraction

  • snprintf (Really %s%s%s? and friends also belong to String building)
  • cprintf (several gui and message writes)
  • fprintf (mostly
  • msgwin_get_line: only valid use in and then one in zotdef, rest wiz-
  • extract both strings from _decrement_a_duration, not just one
  • mpr_en and mprf_en for forcibly untranslated and unextracted messages (should allow getting rid of most remaining layout-building strings)
  • Webtiles
  • Individual issues:
    • directn get_square_desc
    • religion _sacrifice_message

String building

  • Mutation-data: "Your thick and shaggy fur keeps you warm (AC %1$+d, %2$s)." instead of hardcoding (AC +3, rC+) (%s part debatable, numbers not)
  • Lua in general (troves, sprints, ...)
    • string replacements, needed before going to mpr! mprf interface? [Check with wesnoth, widelands]
    • automagic, autofight
    • pan.des who lives here
  • held_status
  • mpr_comma_separated_list
  • Individual strings:
    • You fall through a shaft%s!

Questions to be discussed

  • What to do with titles, or the main HUD in general?
  • godabil: "You can now" -> "You can" change (messaging)

The zotdef_danger_msg keyword was added to create_pot for sake of completeness. I thoroughly hate zotdef and crawl would be vastly better off with it not existing. Because of this, is excluded from string extraction. When and if somebody believes that adding zotdef_danger_msg and all zotdef messages to the translation burden is a great idea, go ahead and remove it from the exclusion list. I won't.