IceDesign is a New and Modern GUI Designer for PureBasic
It is only available for Windows with real Gadgets captured and drawn and with fluid and flicker-free movement.
It is possible to Edit a Container and also to Edit a Container within another Container, up to 9 levels. The tabs or Scroll bars are active
- DPI Aware. Except the form designer element which stays at 100% and which generates the same exact code for the controls positions/sizes.
- IceDesign is available in English and French and ready to receive other languages in future
- Undo / Redo functions
- Choose IceDesign Background Color
- Multi-Language support to help create multi-language apps at the design stage
- Toolbar with icons and texts or only icons with their tooltips.
- Create Gadget With the selection rectangle (Lasso), double clic or Drag'n Drop from the Gadgets list
- Select a Gadget with Left Click or Lasso
- Multiple Selection by lasso or with Ctrl+Left Click
- Grouped movement and resizing
- Update properties with multiple selections or group
- Cut, Copy, Paste and Clone. Can be done between different levels
- Group, UnGroup Gadget
- Align to Left, Right, Bottom, Top
- Resize with Same Width, Height
- Equal Space Horizontal, Vertical
- Left Doucle Click or use the toolbar button to Open a Container (Container, Panel and ScrollArea). Up to 9 levels
- Right Doucle Click or use the toolbar button to Close a Container and go back to the previous level
- Grid, Grid size and Snap to Grid
- Contextual menu according to the available options for the current item
- Add a menu, toolbar or status bar is done via the context menu from the main level
- Add a new tab or deleting the current tab is done via the context menu from the panel
- Change the tab of a Panel to see its content without the need to open the Panel
- Up, Down, Left and Right arrows to Move a Gadget
- Shift + Up, Down, Left and Right to Resize a Gadget
- Del Key to Delete the Selected Gadget or Container
- Use Full or Short Name for Controls
- Auto rename the Controls Name when the caption is changed
- Anchor controls with left, right, top and(or) bottom lock when resizing the window
- Proportional resizing option for controls when resizing the window
- BindGadgetEvent property to write event procedures in the created code
- Support for some Windows Controls Styles
- Full Color Requester with saving custom colors in IceDesign.ini
- Display an image in background and adjust its transparency
- Save, Save As or Open IceDesign Form GUI
- Import IceDesign Form GUI to load templates into the current design
- Preview from the generated and compiled source. Use the Esc key or click on the main window to close the preview
- Create the code with multiple options: Copy to Clipboard, Save and open in a new Tab, Save the code As
- For the code creation, choose between using constants or variables with Prefix and suffix for the variables name
- Add the Window name to Variables or Constants name
- Load or Catch Images
- Hexa or RGB for the colors
- Define the indentation between a number of spaces or Tab
- Include or not Gadget item examples
- Include the event loop or the minimum required to run it
- The title block can be customized in IceDesign.ini file
- Run IceDesign with DPI parameter to create IceDesign_DPI.exe with the DpiAware manifest. The display will be with 100% scaling, probably sharper for 4K or other screens.
- Load IceDesign with a GUI form passed as a parameter (ex: IceDesign Template.icef)
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