My dot files shared between machines for ZSH, Bash, macOS, and Linux.
This is a work-in-progress, my third major refactoring of my personal dotfiles, but this time as a fork of @MikeMcQuaid's dotfiles so that these dotfiles may leverage @MikeMcQuaid's strap for initial macOS configuration with updates, brew, and installation of default dotfiles. Secondary goal is to leverage ZSH as macOS now uses that shell by default. There is of good architecture in my previous iteration at based on BASH and Stow that still needs to be ported over to this version.
Is run automatically as part of @Mike McQuaid's strap
Or script/setup
after checkout to symlink (or copy) everything in this directory to your home directory.
Christopher Allen - @ChristopherA - ChristopherA@LifeWithAlacrity
These dot files are licensed under the GPLv3 License. The full license text is available in LICENSE.txt.