This is the forked version of Aphros from containing the graph contraction algorithm that was developed by me (Christopher Kotthoff) for my bachelor's thesis. While the framework was written by the original contributors of Aphros, I have written the files in ./examples/108_labeling/ (except for parts of the main.cpp file). Especially the file distri_CCL.hpp is my contribution and contains the GC algorithm.
To run the example, first, install Aphros as usual, following the description of this README file further below. Then, go into ./examples/108_labeling/ and call $ ./
The file contains an example line on how to execute the labeling procedure on the ETHZ Euler-cluster.
--new_recolor can either be 0 or 1. 0 will call the previous algorithm and 1 will call the new GC algorithm.
--file_prefix can be any string and is prepended to a timings file that is created for that run.
Should one need help installing or running, please write to [email protected] to resolve the problem.
The original content of README will follow:
Finite volume solver for incompressible multiphase flows with surface tension.
Key features:
- implementation in C++14
- scalability to thousands of compute nodes
- fluid solver based on SIMPLE or Bell-Colella-Glaz methods
- advection with PLIC volume-of-fluid
- particle method for curvature estimation accurate at low resolutions [demo] [4]
- Multi-VOF for scalable coalescence prevention [demo] [8] [9]
Gallery wiki | Curvature | Multi-VOF | Electrochemistry |
Online version generated in doc/sphinx.
C++14, CMake
Optional dependencies: MPI, parallel HDF5, python3, python3-numpy
Bundled optional dependencies: hypre, eigen, overlap, vofi, fpzip
git clone
First, follow deploy/ to prepare environment and install dependencies. Then build with
cd src
Instead of building the code in your system, you can build a Docker container and run a simulation example
docker build --tag aphros
cd examples/202_coalescence/standalone
docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` aphros
Build without dependencies and tests on unix-like systems
is the installation location, with USE_MPI=1
with MPI)
cd src
make -f Makefile_legacy install APHROS_PREFIX=$HOME/.local USE_MPI=0
on Windows using Microsoft C++ toolset (NMAKE, LINK, and CL):
cd src
nmake /f NMakefile
Examples of simulations visualized using ParaView and OSPRay in collaboration with Jean M. Favre at CSCS.
Coalescence of bubbles [conf] [4] | Taylor-Green vortex with bubbles [2] [5] |
Bubble trapped by vortex ring [5] | Plunging jet [2] |
Electrochemical reactor [1] | Bubbles through mesh |
Clustering of bubbles [conf] [6] [7] [9] | Foaming waterfall [conf] [8] [9] |
Bidisperse foam [conf] [9] | Microfluidic crystals [conf] [9] |
APS Gallery of Fluid Motion 2019 award winner Breaking waves: to foam or not to foam? [6] |
Aphros is developed and maintained by researchers at ETH Zurich
under the supervision of
- S. M. H. Hashemi, P. Karnakov, P. Hadikhani, E. Chinello, S. Litvinov, C. Moser, P. Koumoutsakos, and D. Psaltis, "A versatile and membrane-less electrochemical reactor for the electrolysis of water and brine", Energy & environmental science, 2019 10.1039/C9EE00219G
- P. Karnakov, F. Wermelinger, M. Chatzimanolakis, S. Litvinov, and P. Koumoutsakos, "A high performance computing framework for multiphase, turbulent flows on structured grids" in Proceedings of the platform for advanced scientific computing conference on – PASC ’19, 2019 10.1145/3324989.3325727 [pdf]
- P. Karnakov, S. Litvinov, P. Koumoutsakos "Coalescence and transport of bubbles and drops" 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), 2019 [pdf]
- P. Karnakov, S. Litvinov, and P. Koumoutsakos, "A hybrid particle volume-of-fluid method for curvature estimation in multiphase flows”, International journal of multiphase flow, 2020 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103209 arXiv:1906.00314
- Z. Wan, P. Karnakov, P. Koumoutsakos, T. Sapsis, "Bubbles in Turbulent Flows: Data-driven, kinematic models with history terms”, International journal of multiphase flow, 2020 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103286 arXiv:1910.02068
- P. Karnakov, S. Litvinov, J. M. Favre, P. Koumoutsakos "V0018: Breaking waves: to foam or not to foam?" Gallery of Fluid Motion Award video article
- Annual report 2019 of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (cover page) [link]
- P. Karnakov, F. Wermelinger, S. Litvinov, and P. Koumoutsakos, "Aphros: High Performance Software for Multiphase Flows with Large Scale Bubble and Drop Clusters" in Proceedings of the platform for advanced scientific computing conference on – PASC ’20, 2020 10.1145/3394277.3401856 [pdf]
- P. Karnakov, S. Litvinov, P. Koumoutsakos "Computing foaming flows across scales: from breaking waves to microfluidics", 2021 arXiv:2103.01513