A naive Go implementation of the Scientist Ruby gem. Use it to experiment with the performance of new function/methods implementation.
- The ability to create experiments and compare new implementations to already existing implementations
- Run series of experiments.
- Randomize the execution of experiments
go get github.com/ChukwuEmekaAjah/scientist
package main
import (
func main() {
exp := scientist.New("Loops", true)
control := func() (interface{}, error) {
return longLoop()
candidate := func() (interface{}, error) {
return shortLoop()
val, _ := exp.Run()
fmt.Printf("value is %v", val)
fmt.Println("Duration", exp.Result.Duration, "control duration", exp.Result.ControlDuration, "candidate duration", exp.Result.CandidateDuration)
fmt.Printf("exp.Result is %v", exp.Result)
fmt.Println("candidate error", "exp.Result.candidateError")
func longLoop() (int, error) {
for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
return 2, nil
func shortLoop() (int, error) {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
_ = i * 2
return 2, errors.New("short loop error oo")
Methods on the Experiment struct:
- exp.Use: Runs the original implementation of the function or method to be experimented on
- exp.Try: Runs the new implementation of the function or method
- exp.Run: Executes
and then returns the values from.Use
- scientist.New: Creates a new experiment struct and returns a pointer to the created experiment.
Properties of the Experiment struct:
- exp.Result: It's a struct that contains fields on the duration of the experiment, duration of the control experiment and that of the candidates.
In case you have any ideas, features you would like to be included or any bug fixes, you can send a PR.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ChukwuEmekaAjah/scientist.git
- Write more documentation on the explanation of experiment methods parameters.