Trainings, materials and template implementations for the ExploreSA Gawler Challenge.
Team "RocketScience" is proud to present this solution as part of the student community.
Please let us know if you liked our simple tutorial on our data cleaning process by voting for us ;) as Team No. 1.
As we joined around 4 days before the preprocessed data submission, we are still trying to analyse more on data. We will keep updating so that you can build a model using the dataset we have created.
Please install Python 3.6.8 as appropriate for your local OS.
Ensure to use virtualenv to not pollute your local OS
Open a terminal, cd to your repository folder
Ensure you are using the correct Python version
$ python --version
Python 3.6.8
Create a new virtualenv. Ensure to point the python arg to the right interpreter. In my case I can rely on the fact, that I overrid my standard Python (in my current shell).
$ virtualenv --python=python VENV
Running virtualenv with interpreter /Users/foo/.pyenv/shims/python
Already using interpreter /Users/foo/.pyenv/versions/3.6.8/bin/python
Using base prefix '/Users/foo/.pyenv/versions/3.6.8'
New python executable in /Users/foo/src/gdsc/VENV/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
Activate the virtualenv and install jupyter, folium and so forth locally into the environment.
$ source VENV/bin/activate
To start the jupyter notebook server
$ jupyter notebook
Your browser will automatically be opened and redirected to the locally running notebook web gui from where you can open the notebooks.
├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── Notebooks <- Tutorial notebooks
│ ├── MineralDepositsPreprocessing <- MineralDeposit Data Engineering Jupyter Notebook
│ ├── data
| | └── SARIG_Data_Package <- Data from SARIG Package
│ └── Figures <- Analysis Figures
| ├── Gold Bar graph <- Gold on SA Map
| └── map gold
├── cleaned_datasets <- 10 different CSVs for top 10 elements
│ ├── Calcrete
│ ├── Clay
│ ├── Copper
│ ├── Gold
│ ├── Limestone
│ ├── Sand
│ ├── SandStone
│ ├── Silver
│ ├── Uranium
│ └── Lead