You can see all the reports and how we implemented the project in the folder Reports
The CTF challenge report can be viewed here CTF-Report
Copy file .env.example -> .env
cp .env.example .env
Makefile is a text file containing rules to automate the compilation and building process of software, use root user
to run Makefile
make install
Next time you run it, you just need
docker-compose up -d
username: [email protected]
passwd: password
Container | Port | Link |
php-fpm | 9000(default), 8080 (custom) | http://localhost:8080 |
nginx | 80 | http://localhost:80 |
mysql | 3307 | null |
phpmyadmin | 8081 | http://localhost:8081 |
You must run myssql
in xampp
Copy file .env.example -> .env
cp .env.example.nodocker .env
Update version laravel (9.52.16)
composer update
Install all required packages via composer
composer install
Run the migration and seeder
php artisan migrate --seed
Install all required packages via nodejs
npm install
npm run dev
Create symbolic link
php artisan storage:link
Generates a security key for your Laravel application
php artisan key:generate
Creates dummy data using faker library
php artisan db:seed --class="DummyDataSeeder"
Clear Temporary Files
php artisan clean:temp
Start project
php artisan serve
username: [email protected]
passwd: password