- GitHub Staff
- Utah
- https://agileperception.com
- @[email protected]
the_rust_crash_course Public
The Rust Crash Course - with Ardan Labs
ultimate_rust_crash_course Public
Rust Programming Fundamentals - one course to rule them all, one course to find them...
rust-rdkafka Public
Forked from gorzell/rust-rdkafkaA fully asynchronous, futures-based Kafka client library for Rust based on librdkafka
Rust MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2024 -
shooting_stars Public
On a starry night, in a field, shooting stars fall from the sky...and Ferris (and his friends) compete to catch them.
spaceblasters Public
A space wars-like game prototype created for the Utah Rust User Group's mini-game jam
bevy_cleancut Public
Random utility stuff for bevy for my personal use. You're welcome to use it, too, if you like.
this-week-in-rust Public
Forked from rust-lang/this-week-in-rustData for this-week-in-rust.org
green Public
Green is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner.
invaders Public
Open source terminal arcade game with audio - based off of the classic "Space Invaders"
r_circlegauntlet Public
Open source game using Rusty Engine: Blue circle trying to reach green circle without touching red circles
Adv360-Pro-ZMK Public
Forked from KinesisCorporation/Adv360-Pro-ZMKProduction repository for the all-new Advantage360 Professional using ZMK engine
Makefile MIT License UpdatedJul 31, 2024 -
rusty_engine Public
2D game engine for learning Rust
pipeviewer Public
Companion project for the hands-on Rust course I produced for Packt
ultimate_rust2 Public
The best Intermediate Rust course out there!
rusty_textui Public
Library for creating simple text user interfaces, like text arcade games in the terminal
rust-clippy Public
Forked from rust-lang/rust-clippyA bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code. Book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/clippy/
Rust Other UpdatedNov 17, 2023 -
bevy Public
Forked from bevyengine/bevyA refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 14, 2023 -
bevy-website Public
Forked from bevyengine/bevy-websiteThe source files for the official Bevy website
HTML UpdatedSep 2, 2023