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Tags: Clooos/Bubble-Card



Toggle v2.5.0-beta.7's commit message


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No dashboard issue + fix for #1264


Toggle v2.5.0-beta.6's commit message


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Optimized/refactored modules + More

- [x] Refactored the module editor code for better maintenance.
- [x] Better performance/instant initialization of custom styles/templates/modules
- [x] The attribute selector now detect the entity at the same level automatically.
- [x] Module breaking change: The "Example: Customize the icon container color" module now use a list of predefined colors instead of an RGB color picker. Previous RGB colors are not supported anymore.
- [x] Removing a value inside a module editor, removes it correctly in the configuration. #1244
- [x] The `card` variable was incorrect for custom templates/modules inside a pop-up card, this is now fixed! #1255
- [x] The default module is not disabled anymore when another module is selected. You can still disable it manually.
- [x] Fixed the gap between the horizontal buttons stack and the card juste above it on a section view type.
- [x] Replaced the `style_templates` config key for `modules`, this will be migrated automatically in the editor. I forgot to change that before the first beta…
- [x] Improved the Home Assistant default styling module for consistency with more themes.
- [x] The condition selector is now working correctly in the Modules editor.
- [x] Added the possibility to use the `checkConditionsMet` function for custom templates to be able to use the condition selector.
- [x] Added missing support for attribute conditions in `checkConditionsMet`.
- [x] Fixed an issue where the ui_color selector was writing an empty config by default.
- [x] Reverted to the actions behavior from v2.4.0. #1250
- [x] Added classes `.is-on` and `.is-off` to most cards.
- [x] Fixed some more custom styles compatibility issues, thanks to @brunosabot!


Toggle v2.5.0-beta.5's commit message


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No page jump on pop-up opening + Editor styling fix

- [x] Fixed an issue where the dashboard was back to the top when opening a pop-up
- [x] Fixed an indentation issue in the modules info box


Toggle v2.5.0-beta.4's commit message


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Added missing module install infos


Toggle v2.5.0-beta.3's commit message


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Improved custom styles cleanup logic


Toggle v2.5.0-beta.2's commit message


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Fixed compatibility issues with some custom styles


Toggle v2.5.0-beta.1's commit message


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Advanced module system + Fixes

- [x] Added js-yaml as dependency
- [x] Editor styling improvements #1214
- [x] Link to share modules on GitHub in the editor 
- [x] Rename bubble-custom to bubble-module
- [x] Get modules config from this.config
- [x] Review ha-alert (alert when not copied in the right folder)
- [x] Fixed an issue with modules in combination with the text scrolling effect
- [x] Attempt to fix « Tap action on icon issue #990 »
- [x] No need to clear cache anymore to apply module modifications
- [x] Custom templates can be now placed anywhere and not only after custom styles
- [x] Fixed some styling issues in the Home Assistant default styling module
- [x] Fixed the pop-up compatibility with the new custom styles system 
- [x] Fixed some incompatibility issues in the cleanCSS function
- [x] Better « How to use » in bubble-modules.yaml
- [x] The new custom styles/template system handle name/state changes correctly 
- [x] And maybe more…


Toggle v2.4.0's commit message


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Changed version to v2.4.0


Toggle v2.4.0-beta.1's commit message


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Added PR #1150 by @PhilPinsdorf

Adding live-update mode to Pop-Up Slider Headers fixing #1149


Toggle v2.3.4's commit message


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More fixes for a stable v2.3.4

- [x] Added a grid-gap variable for pop-ups (Default is —bubble-pop-up-gap: 14px;)
- [x] Horizontal buttons stack unstable order #780 - PR #1137 by @RazorClam  
- [x] Select Card options show in default language instead of translation #1040
- [x] Select sub-button states are now correctly synched when changed elsewhere  #1058
- [x] Pop-up slide to close animation fixed
- [x] Reset popup auto-close timer on interaction with popup - PR #1071 by @samrenfrew
- [x] Add back the population of the context.cardtitle for the pop-ups to solve #1003 - PR #1089 by @MrBearPresident
- [x] Templates with card.querySelector('.bubble-state').innerText or card.querySelector('.bubble-name’).innerText are now instant when the page load