Another R wrapper for highchartsjs
highcharter is in active development. The functions in the package can be renamed, modified , or deleted. I will ensure have the minimum impact.
- Official package page:
- Shiny demo:
- Various chart type with the same style (scatters, time series, heatmaps, treemap, more coming soon).
- Piping styling.
- Support Highstock charts. You can create a candlestick charts in 2 lines of code. Support
objects from the quantmod package. - Support Highmaps charts. It's easy to create choropleths or add information in geojson format.
- Have ggfortify-like funcionalities. This is chart a lot
of R objects with
. numeric, character, factors, ts, mts, xts, ohlc, forecast, dist classes are supported. - Themes: Add themes, merge themes or create your own.
- <3 to
is licensed under the MIT License. However, is licensed under
their own terms. Highcharts is free for personal or non profit projects under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.