MiraSlide is a Miracast (Wireless or HDMI Display) Presentation Viewer.
The MiraSlide goal is to answer to a simple need : conference speakers are either congested or slaves of the equipment loaned, or both. Here, the Wireless Display associated with a device lighter than a computer used as remote control allow us to stream and control the slides from your phone / tablet, in addition to having in hand the additional information that can provide a computer (stopwatch, notes ...).
You can now also read your speaker's notes on the remote (your device)
You can download the application on the Android Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.cmoatoto.miraslide
You can read an article (in French) about how I used the Wireless Display API in MiraSlide here : http://software.intel.com/fr-fr/blogs/2013/12/14/miraslide-d-velopper-une-application-android-42-multi-cran-exploitant-le-widi-par-0
v1.2.1 ***
Fix crash when opening presentation without Speaker's notes
v1.2 ***
Add Speaker's notes support : Load notes and see what you should say for the current slide
v1.0.1 ***
Fix permission : Add Read external Storage to let Android 4.4 user to open file from their sdcard
Workaround for a bug while retrieving the filename of a file. Now, you can have a "null" file loaded ("null" because it can't find the real file name)
v1 *** initial import