Hypergraph Exchange Format (HIF) is a forthcoming standard for data exchange between the existing hypergaph libraries.
Initial assumptions about the core of the HIF data format:
"network-type": "undirected", # will indicate if directed or an asc
"metadata": {"name": "test"}, # library specific metadata to store with object
"incidences":[{"edge":edge_id, "node":node_id,...},...], # incidences are lists of records of edge node pairs along with the edge dependent node properties
"nodes":[{"node":node_id,...},...] # nodes and edges are lists of records
- All fields are optional except for "incidences".
- Keywords are indicated in the schema, these include:
- incidences
- nodes
- edges
- weight
- network-type
- network types : undirected, directed, asc
- direction
- direction keywords : head, tail
- If a hypergraph is, for instance, directed, the edge direction will be contained in the incidences record with keyword "direction".
- Isolated nodes and empty edges are entries in "nodes" and "edges" which are not present in the incidences.
This repository is organized into three folders:
: This folder contains examples of higher-order datasets in the HIF standard. For details of its contents, see the README.schemas
: This folder contains all schemas used for specifying the HIF standard. For details of its contents, see the README.scripts
: This folder contains scripts for checking that datasets match the HIF standard. For details of its contents, see the README.
- validate_hif.py: This Python command line executable checks whether a JSON file matches the HIF standard. All errors print to the command line. More details on running this are in the next section.
validate_hif.py is an executable that checks whether a file follows the HIF standard. It can be run as follows:
python validate_hif.py <filename> [OPTIONS]
The only option is --silent
, which suppresses all detailed warnings. Regardless, the script prints a 0 if the JSON file passes the HIF standard and 1 otherwise.
import fastjsonschema
import json
schema = json.load(open("hif_schema_v0.1.0.json","r"))
validator = fastjsonschema.compile(schema)
hiftext = json.load(open(filename,'r'))
The authors, co-authors or contributors of the following software libraries are represented:
- HypergraphX (Python)
- HyperNetX (Python)
- XGI (Python)
- SimpleHypergraphs.jl (Julia)
This project is an ongoing colaborative work of the following people (alphabetical order):
- Audun Myers (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Brenda Praggastis (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Caterina Debacco (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
- Cliff Joslyn (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Francesco Lotito (University of Trento)
- Martín Coll (University of Buenos Aires)
- Nicholas Landry (University of Virginia)
- Przemyslaw Szufel (SGH Warsaw School of Economics)