Common libraries for writing Go services/applications.
Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)
Sample cloud-first application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC.
Interactive command line tool for Cloud Spanner
Implement Statistical Learning Methods, Li Hang the hard way. 李航《统计学习方法》一书的硬核 Python 实现
Code samples for my book "Neural Networks and Deep Learning"
Opensource,Database,AI,Business,Minds. git clone --depth 1
Offload tasks to a pool of workers on node.js and in the browser
Hacker news-inspired forum app built with TypeScript using DDD practices from
📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, in…
A simple API built with Hapi.js that follows DDD + Clean Architecture principles
Cross-platform filesystem notifications for Go.
【Java面试+Java学习指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
Javascript audio library for the modern web.
A book series (2 published editions) on the JS language.
Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
A reference example for TypeScript and Node with a detailed README describing how to use the two together.
😮 Core Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced Java(Backend) Developers | 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识
A query analyzer that parses Redis' MONITOR command for counter/timing stats about query patterns
Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.