This example shows how to implement a fullstack app in TypeScript with Next.js using React (frontend), Express and Prisma Client (backend). The example comes from the following [prisma example code]
Install dependencies for your backend
. Open a terminal window and install the backend
's dependencies
cd backend
npm install
Open a separate terminal window and navigate to your frontend
directory and install its dependencies
cd frontend
npm install
On the terminal window used to install the backend npm dependencies, run the following command to create your SQL Tables. This creates the User
, Post
, Catergory
and CatergoriesOnPosts
tables that are defined in prisma/schema.prisma
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
When npx prisma migrate dev
is executed against a newly created database, seeding is also triggered. The seed file in prisma/seed.ts
will be executed and your database will be populated with the sample data.
On the same terminal used in step 2, run the following command to start the server:
npm run dev
The server is now running at http://localhost:3001/
On the terminal window used to install frontend npm dependencies, run the following command to start the app:
npm run dev
The app is now running, navigate to http://localhost:3000/
in your browser to explore its UI.
Expand for a tour through the UI of the app
Blog (located in ./pages/index.tsx
Signup (located in ./pages/signup.tsx
Create post (draft) (located in ./pages/create.tsx
Drafts (located in ./pages/drafts.tsx
View post (located in ./pages/p/[id].tsx
) (delete or publish here)
You can also access the REST API of the API server directly. It is running localhost:3001
and you can see the API documentation in localhost:3001/api-doc