How to build naitive applications in go, then run on dd-wrt (Specifically on a Netgear R7000)
The Makefile does all the heavy lifting. Notably, it sets the following:
- Toolchain path
- LDFLAGS to '--linkmode external --extldflags "-static"`
- Calls go with the following variables set:
- CC - $TOOLCHAIN/bin/whatever-gcc
- LDFLAGS to the above
- GOOS - linux
- GOARCH - arm
For installation, all you have to do is find the toolchain, and use the magic from my Makefile.
You can find the tool chain from the dd-wrt site:
- Specifically:
The toolchain that I found to work was: toolchain-arm_cortex-a9_gcc-4.8-linaro_musl-1.1.5_eabi
I installed that into /usr/local/toolchain-arm_cortex-a9_gcc-4.8-linaro_musl-1.1.5_eabi
Building is easy enough -- just type "make" and the C and go versions of "Hello World" will be built.
After building (type "make" after following above instructions), install the hellogo application onto your router and test it:
- ssh into your router
- scp the file over:
root@router# scp dev-box:path/to/hellogo .
- Mark it executiable:
root@router# chmod +x hellogo
- And, execute it!:
root@router# ./hellogo
You should see:
root@router:~# ./hellogo
Hello GoWorld!