Sk8tography is an open source project that aims to provide one more way to understand and experience skateboarding.
Sk8tography is a community project and thus we are seeking to get more people involved. Check the list below for ways to help out.
- Watch and tag video clips and photographs of skateboarding
- Use your knowledge of skateboarding to help define the sk8tography taxonomy (start here)
- Fork the repo and contribute code to make the experience better (start here if you need some ideas)
- Lend your graphic design skills to help improve the aesthetics of the sk8tography experience
- Like the project on Facebook (TODO: create facebook page!!)
clone the repo
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
install node.js dependencies (from within the sk8tography directory)
npm install
optional: install forever module (necessary if you want to use the 'start' and 'stop' scripts)
sudo npm install -g forever
install dependencies for local video downloading and processing (without this you can still tag and view content but you won't be able to add new videos)
on ubuntu:
install ffmpeg:
install youtube-dl: > apt-get install youtube-dl
on os x:
brew install ffmpeg
brew install youtube-dl
MongoDB Connection
Option 1: create a .env file in the root sk8tography directory that points towards the MONGOLAB test or production instance
- email [email protected] to get the .env credentials
Option 2:
- install mongodb locally
- initiate a 'mongod' process from the command line
- follow start instructions below and pass '--local_db ' arg to script if you want to connect to a local instance of mongod and use
Start the server (assuming you have forever module installed (see above))
default everything:
point towards a local mongodb instance (in this case the db is named sk8abase):
./start --local_db sk8abase
point towards production db:
NODE_ENV=production ./start
Stop the server
To watch the general output and error logs
general output:
tail -f out.log
tail -f err.log