A curation of awesome tools and projects built by Nigerian developers 🔥.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Adonis Auth Scaffold - Seamlessly scaffold a ready-to-use authentication system for your Adonis app with one neat command. By @creatrixity
- Adonis Hexa - An opinionated software development framework for maintaining a scalable Adonis application. By @creatrixity
- Adonis Queue - An addon/plugin package to provide driver-based job queueing services in AdonisJS 4.0+. By @isocroft
- Alix - Alix, a Chrome extension for a11y.css. By @ireaderinokun
- Altair - A sleek graphQL client app for querying GraphQL servers, like Postman for graphQL. It also comes as a Chrome extension. By @imolorhe
- Amazon Pay v2 Ruby SDK - An SDk that makes it easy to integrate amazon pay checkout and instore v2 clients in your ruby/ruby on rails projects. By @bytenaija
- Angular-tag - Tags input directive for AngularJS. By @theo4me
- Angular2-Sails-starter-pack - A starter pack for angular2 based projects using sails backend, integrating hot reload functionalities. By @mozartted
- Angular4-paystack - This is an angular module that abstracts the complexity of making paystack payments with Angular2+. By @ashinzekene
- AnimatedCountTextView - A library that helps you animate change in numeric values in an Android TextView. By @srasheed
- AppFramer - AppFramer helps to put your app screenshots in beautiful device frames with annotations by running a simple command. By @olucurious
- APX - A Javafx Library for building MVC Applications. By @othreecodes
- Atom Aurelia snippets - A plugin for Atom Editor to autocomplete aurelia snippets when working with Aurelia. By @unicodeveloper
- Atom Material Palenight Syntax - 🍹🍩 An elegant and juicy material-like theme for Atom. By @mrolaolu
- Blink Alert - A Chrome Extension for 20-20-20 exercise of the eye. By @martinsobayomi
- Bob - SQL Query Builder for Go that can be progressively adopted from raw SQL query strings, to fully typed queries and models generated for your database. By @stephenafamo
- Breadcrumb For Codeigniter - A Lightweight Library for generating Breadcrumb in Codeigniter. By @iamuchejude
- Broad-state - Easy state manager for state values from one component to the other with useState and React Hooks in < 1KB! By @codewonders
- browsengine - Rendering Engine Detection Script for Browsers on Any Device. By @isocroft
- Button4Android - Android button selector generator. By @tdscientist
- BàngáJS - A CLI generator for bootstrapping ExpressJS applications and generating application layer files. By @saucecodee
- C# Permutation - A library for permutating C# objects. By @oziomajnr & @mykeels
- caddy-docker - Docker image for Caddy web server. By @abiosoft
- caddy-git - Git plugin for Caddy web server. By @abiosoft
- Caniuse-embed - The (unofficial) embed for caniuse. By @ireaderinokun
- Cartie - A clean shopping cart implementation for Laravel. By @LPMatrix
- chakra-ui - Simple, modular and accessible component library for React applications. By @thesegunadebayo
- ci-toastr - Codeigniter package for integrating javascript toastr into your web applications. By @joshuachinemezu
- Client_manager - API Client Manager is a mountable Rails (engine) gem that helps identify and authenticate your API clients' requests. By @timigod
- Cogent PHP - A Simple PHP MVC Framework for Fast and Minimal Applications. By @wilforlan
- Composer-git-hook - Easily manage git hooks in your composer config. By @BrainMaestro
- CountryPickerView - A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps. By @kizitonwose
- csv49 - Comma Separated Values For Nigeria. Maintained by @stigwue
- Datasist - Python library for easy data analysis, visualization, exploration and modeling. By @risin_developer
- DevOps-Toolkit - Easily and quickly setup your Cloud & DevOps development environment. By @0xGreat
- Display Medium Posts - Display Medium Posts is a WordPress plugin that allows users display posts from medium.com on any part of their website. Available on the WordPress store. By @acekyd
- Dockward - Port forwarding tool for Docker containers. By @abiosoft
- Dot Music Player - 🎧 A light, feature-packed and very customisable material designed Android music player. By @srasheed
- DownloadThisVideo - Twitter bot for easily downloading videos/GIFs off tweets. By @theshalvah
- Dropd - Zero-dependency minimalistic dropdown component for React and Vue. By @mrolaolu
- dumb_password_rails - Rails Password Validator. Validate your user passwords and prevent them from using vulnerable passwords. By @arinzeokeke
- DuplicateContactsRemover - 📒A simple app to optimize your address book and remove duplicate contacts. By @srasheed
- Early Access - This package makes it easy to add early access mode to your existing application. By @neoighodaro
- Essential Kit - A Boilerplate for NodeJS with all the essential tools. By @ichtrojan
- eth-vue - A Vue.js boilerplate for Ethereum Apps, built on Truffle. Authentication functionalities included. By @DOkwufulueze
- expo-push-notification-helper - This library makes it easy to use push notification in react native using expo. By @just1and0
- ExpressWebJs - ExpressWebJs is a NodeJS FrameWork with expressive and organised syntax that runs on all major operating systems. It provides the starting point for creating your node project, allowing you to focus more on developing your amazing solution. By @EmekaIgbokwe
- Face-detector - An application containing all the code from the article on the FaceDetector API. By @moyheen
- Favico-generator - A npm module for generating favicons from image. By @kvng_zeez
- Fawn - A library for multi-document transactions in MongoDB via two-phase commits. By @e-oj
- Faker.ng - a library for generating Nigerian fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. By @binkabir
- folabelle -A VSCode theme - Cross breed of Monokai + Palenight By @Bolaji___
- FormHack - A hackable css form reset. By @ireaderinokun
- Frontend-app-starter - A simple frontend app starter packed with Webpack, Twitter Bootstrap, and well-defined CSS media queries. Edit. By @D-sense
- generator-nestjs-app - A yeoman generator for creating nestsjs apps. By @ashinzekene
- Githint Bot - A GitHub bot that ensures that your pull requests follow specified conventions. By @franklin_chieze
- GitProfile Manager - A git extension to allow you manage multiple git profiles on your workstation with ease. By @iamMensaah
- Gulp-Email-Workflow - A Gulp workflow for building HTML emails. By @ireaderinokun
- Grabity - Get preview data from a link. By @e-oj
- Google Dictionary - An android library that provides easy access to meanings of any word, phrase, or slang via Google, within any application. By @its_tobie
- Gbowo - The easiest way to accept payments via Paystack and Amplifypay. By @Adelowo
- Goldmark PDF - A PDF renderer for the Go goldmark markdown parser. By @stephenafamo
- Gophie - A CLI written in golang for scraping movie download links and bypassing ads. By @GophieTeam
- Gophie-web - A web client for streaming/downloading movies without hassle built on Gophie. By @GophieTeam
- GeoIP Location - Get the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses. Support Laravel and PHP (Non-Laravel) Project. By @victoryosayi
- H.php - The Minimalist PHP Framework! By @devhammed
- helpers - Super-handy JavaScript utility functions for front-end development. By @mrolaolu
- HUI.js - Lightweight JavaScript UI Library. By @devhammed
- Icicle - An annotation based tool for saving and restoring instance states. By @segunfamisa
- IGdm - Multi-platform Desktop application for INSTAGRAM DMs. By @ifedapolarewaju
- Ijeawele - A Browser Extension that displays a random suggestion from the Dear Ijeawele book by Chimamanda Adichie. By @viclotana
- ImageAI - A python library built to empower developers to build applications and systems with self-contained Computer Vision capabilities. By @OlafenwaMoses
- ImageQ - Reverse Image search engine powered by Django and Keras. By @_deven96 and @mensaah
- ImgR - ImgR.NET aims at automating the process of serving Images dynamically based on the client device. By @mykeels
- Inlinetweetjs - InlineTweet.js allows you to easily create tweetable links out of any text on a webpage. By @ireaderinokun
- IntentManip - Gives more control over implicit intents creation and the way it is presented to users. By @Kingsmentor
- Instaword - InstaWord is a Chrome and Opera browser plugin that makes learning new words much easier. By @acekyd
- ip-num - ip-num is a TypeScript library for working with IP Resources(ASN, IPV4, IPV6). By @dadepo
- iShell - Library for creating interactive CLI applications with Go. By @abiosoft
- inspireNuggets - inspireNuggets is a Chrome Browser (Web) Extension that displays random inspiring techie quotes for developers/designers. By @iambolajiayo
- Jollof - A lightweight PHP framework for developers who love smart work. By @isocroft
- Jusibe PHP Library - A library for Jusibe SMS Service. By @unicodeveloper
- Jusibe JavaScript Library - A JavaScript library for Jusibe SMS Service. By @azemoh
- Kanary - A minimalist🔬 Kotlin web framework for building🔩⚙ scalable📈 and expressive🎨 RESTful APIs. By @IyanuAdelekan
- Keygen - A fluent PHP random key generator. By @gladchinda
- KhaledBot - Delivering Major Keys to your Slack Team. By @ireaderinokun
- koii - A simple middleware to display routes in an express application. By @Bolaji___
- Laravel Codepen - A Codepen Package for Laravel 5. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Crypto Payment Gateway - GoUrl.io Crypto Payment Gateway for Laravel. By @victoryosayi
- Laravel Email Validator - Validate email addresses on the fly in Laravel 5. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Emoji - Laravel 5 Package that harnesses the power of PHP 7 Unicode features to provide emojis in your laravel app. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Exam - A Laravel exam with questions from beginner to expert curated. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Feeder - Laravel 5 Package to extract atom and RSS feeds from any website in a very good readable format. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Hackathon Starter - A hackathon/MVP boilerplate for laravel web applications. Start your hackathons without hassle. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Identify - Laravel 5 Package to Detect Users' Browsers, Devices, Languages and Operating Systems. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Jusibe - Laravel 5 package for Jusibe SMS Service. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Mentions - Laravel 5 Package for enabling facebook type of mentions in your application. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Password - Guard your users against entering dumb passwords in your Laravel 5 apps. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Payant - Laravel 5 Payant Package. By @olaoluwa_98
- Laravel Paystack - Laravel 5 Paystack Package. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel-PDF-Viewer - A Laravel Package for viewing PDF files or documents on the web without leaving your Web Application. By @goodnesskay
- Laravel Simple Select - Laravel Simple Select inputs component for Blade and Livewire. By @victoryosayi
- Laravel SMTP Validator - Validate SMTP credentials without sending a test mail in Laravel 5. By @samolabams
- Laravel-Slack - A Laravel Package that makes Automatic Invitation to Slack Channels or team seamless. By @goodnesskay
- Laravel-SMS - Laravel SMS allows you to send SMS from your Laravel application using one of over 10 SMS providers, or your custom SMS provider. By @djunehor
- Laravel-Spam-Email - This package is a Laravel package that checks if an email address is a spammer. It verifies your signups and forms submissions to confirm that they are legitimate. By @hendurhance
- Laravel Telephone Input - Laravel Telephone Input component for Blade and Livewire based on the intl-tel-input JavaScript plugin. By @victoryosayi
- Laravel Wikipedia - A Wikipedia Package for Laravel 5. By @unicodeveloper
- Lib-ussd - A lightweight USSD application framework. By @hextremelabs
- Linda ORM - A lightweight and fast Active-record based ORM for PHP. By @solutionstack
- Lindaikeji CLI - Linda Ikeji for Hackers, HR Associates, HR Managers, Lazy People, e.t.c. By @unicodeveloper
- LocalGoogle - A search engine built for offline websites on your local machine. By @KodeJuice
- Magic Grid - A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts. By @e-oj
- Markdown Badges - Badges for your personal developer branding, profile, and projects. By @ileriayooo
- MarkedIt - Simple markdown editor widget. By @codebeast
- Math Alarm Clock - Android Alarm app in which you solve math problems of varying difficulty to dismiss alarms. Built with jetpack compose. By @t-regbs
- MediumUnooficialSDK - Unofficial implementation of medium API for android. Support Medium Oauth Sign in, retrieve users' post, make publications, and other medium supported features. By @kingsmentor
- Mini-Inventory-and-Sales-Management-System - An Inventory and Sales Management System written in PHP (codeIgniter) with support for MySQL and Sqlite3 databases. By @amirsanni
- MLog - MLog is the simplest .NET library for data logging. By @mykeels
- MobileVisionBarcodeScanner - Mobile Vission Barcode Scanner. By @kingsmentor
- Modern-Mean-Stack - Functional stack of angular2, MongoDB, express all on nodejs, coupled with webpack and angular cli features. By @mozartted
- moneywave-nodejs - A client library for moneywave API. By @codebyomar
- Mui-data-table - Data table for react material-ui. By @AustinSwaggz
- Multi-tenant Employee Management System - Multi-tenant Employee Management System * Job Portal with Django API & Vuejs. By @timtech4u
- Mvrd - Motor Vehicle Registration Information Search Portal Library. By @unicodeveloper
- Money-To-Words-Converter - A PHP library that converts any money value in digit [in any numeric system] to words in any language. By @TNkemdilim
- Mythra - Music search engine API and CLI downloader written in Rust. By @deven96
- Naija Phone Number - A fast minimal module to validate Nigerian mobile phone numbers using Regular Expressions. By @thisisudo
- Naija State And Local Government - A simple zero dependency npm package that lists Nigeria states and local governments. By @blessingadesina3
- Newspaperjs - Nodejs: News extraction, scraping and article parsing module. By @flickzcode
- Nigerian states api - An api for basic information about all 36 states in Nigeria. By @seyi__adeleke
- Nimble - Fast PHP framework made with very loose optional components. By @neoighodaro
- No-CAPTCHA-reCAPTCHA - Protect WordPress login, registration and comment form from spam with the new No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA. By @w3guy
- Nodestorage.js - File system storage utility with
like API. By @iamuchejude - Nojs - Library that helps minimize js you have to write. By @ifedapolarewaju
- Notes - Distraction free notes app, minimal at its core. Create and share notes with ease. By @rubbiekelvin
- Netty-Finder - This script checks a Nigerian Telephone number and detects which network it belongs to. By @iambolajiayo
- Omnipay 2Checkout - 2Checkout driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library. By @w3guy
- OpenWriter - A free theme for Ghost. By @ireaderinokun
- Orchestra - Orchestra is a library to manage long running go processes. By @stephenafamo
- P-integrate - This is a demo app that guides Android developers on how to integrate any of several popular payment platforms into their apps. By @taslimOseni
- PackageHub - An extension for displaying dependencies for many package managers on GitHub. By @BrainMaestro
- Paystack wrapper - Nodejs API wrapper for Paystack. By @kehers
- Paystack Ruby - Ruby Gem for Paystack. By @IkoroVictor
- Pentecost - Payment Android UI Library for PayStack. By @knightbenax
- Piggment - A curated collection of amazingly colored gradients for designers, developers and art makers over the world. By @codewonders
- Plugman - A Postman like socket testing application. By @ayotycoon
- Product-Tour - A responsive tour snippet, with a step-by-step guide(onboarding). By @robophil_
- PyDialogflow Fulfillment - This library makes creating fulfillment for Dialogflow v2 agents easily with Python Backend. ( By @emmarex
- PyFCM - Python client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android & iOS). By @olucurious
- Pymvrd - Motor Vehicle Registration Information Search Portal Library for python. By @othreecodes
- Quicksi CLI - A command-line bot tool that contains reuseable templates in different languages, frameworks and libraries designed to make it easy for developers to start projects without having to worry about the setup. By @AnayoOleru
- R3con1z3r - A lightweight Web information gathering tool with an intuitive features written in python. it provides a powerful environment in which open source intelligence (OSINT) web-based footprinting can be conducted quickly and thoroughly. By @mrgaphy
- Radixx - a simple library that implements the Facebook Flux Architecture with a twist to how the entire application state is managed and changed/updated. By @isocroft
- Random48LawsOfPower - Chrome extension that shows a random law from the popular '48 Laws of Power' Book. By @acekyd
- Ratio - The Simple Intelligent and Modular Programming Language and Environment. By @iamthecarisma
- Rationale - Android permission rationale helper dialog. By @Kingsmentor
- react-hooks-paginator - A simple paginator interface for react. By @codenaz
- react-multi-state - Declarative, simplified way to handle complex local state with hooks. By @mrolaolu
- react-native-woocommerce-api - A wrappper that connects react Native to the WooCommerce API. By james ugbanu
- React-Raise - A cli kit for creating react applications. By @ash__amao
- react-webpack-starter - A boiler plate for creating react applications bundled by webpack (using ES6, Babel, SASS and the webpack development server). By @temilaj
- RemindMeOfThisTweet - Twitter bot to set reminders for tweets. By @theshalvah
- Reuq - Frontend Javascript framework. By @ifedapolarewaju
- River - Lightweight REST framework for Go. By @abiosoft
- React Native paystack webview - React Native paystack sdk. By @just1and0
- React Native okra webview - React Native okra sdk. By @just1and0
- sails-hook-jsonwebtoken - A sails hook for easily working with jsonwebtoken. By @robophil_
- sails-hook-swagger-generator - A tool to help generate Swagger specification documentation for Sails APIs. By @theo4me
- ShelfView - Android Library to display books on shelf. By @tdscientist
- Shutdown - A lightweight android library that handles the closing of your app interactively. By @emmakoko96
- Signalum - A Linux Library to explore creating an application that detects available connections at once from WiFi and Bluetooth. By @_deven96 and @mensaah
- Signalum Desktop - A Desktop application for the signalum python library. By @_deven96 and @mensaah
- Simple-DB - Get your Android app's SQLite database set up in five minutes! By @theshalvah
- Slackword - Dictionary in your slack....additionally, you can get random words. By @_larikraun
- SlidingSquaresLoader - A simple progress loader. By @biodunalfet
- SlidingUpMenu - 🚀A very customizable Android library that allows you to present menu items (from menu resource and/or other sources) to users as a bottom sheet. By @srasheed
- Support-ticket - A support ticket application in Laravel. By @ammezie
- Slideview - An awesome sliding button library for Android. By @kizitonwose
- status-modal - A react component that you can use to render current error or success messages from a particular API endpoint. By @calebolojo
- StudyLog - A tiny web application for Logging streaks and events. By @codehakase
- Suet - Detailed analytics and reporting for your transactional Mailgun emails. By @kehers
- Search Engine Parser - Lightweight package to query popular search engines and scrape for result titles, links and descriptions. By @_deven96 and @iamMensaah
- sms-nigeria-go - A Go client for sending SMS to any Nigeria phone-number with ease. By @D-sense
- Stickynotes - A functional note taking web application with alluring user interface. By @Kolaposki
- TinyPress - Create and easily manage your blog on Github. By @kehers
- TenseiJS - Content management and distribution with a touch of elegance. By @bahdcoder
- type-reverse - 🦄 Lightweight reverse utility around strings, arrays, numbers and more. By @mrolaolu
- Toast.js - A library for Toast messages. By @ireaderinokun
- TweetThreader - A tool to create threads on Twitter. By @thisisudo
- TwittaSave - Web, Android and Chrome Extension that enables you to download videos and gifs from tweets to your device easily; built using Twitter API. By @emmakoko96
- Time - Type-safe time calculations in Kotlin, powered by generics. By @kizitonwose
- Unitcss - A cli tool to convert css units in your file, helps you swiftly convert units / mesurements in your file or folder. By @codewonders
- Urley - A cross-platform library with a collection of handy utilities to work with URLs. By @codewonders
- UseFormBee - useFormBee is a lightweight library that helps me manage and abstract react form logic. By @Eazybee
- use-global-hook - Painless global state management for React using Hooks and Context API in 1KB! By @devhammed
- use-cookie - Get, Set, Update and Delete Cookie using React Hooks. By @devhammed
- Video-Call-App - A text, audio and video chat application built with webRTC and Ratchet (PHP WebSockets). By @amirsanni
- VSCode Material Palenight Theme - 🍹🎨 An elegant and juicy material-like theme for Visual Studio Code. By @mrolaolu
- VSCode NestsJs Snippets - A VScode extension for adding snippets for your NestJS code. By @ashinzekene
- VSCode One Monokai - Beautiful dark theme for Visual Studio Code Editor. By @azemoh
- Vue 3 OTP Input - 🐗 A fully customizable OTP input component built with Vue 3.x. By @ejirocodes
- Vue Transitions CSS - A lightweight CSS library for adding transitions to Vue components. By @26th_edmund
- Vue Simple ACL - A simple unopinionated Vue plugin for managing user roles and permissions, access-control list (ACL) and role-based access control (RBAC). By @victoryosayi
- Waihona - Rust crates for performing cloud storage actions across AWS, GCP and Azure. By @deven96
- WatchDog - WatchDog is a Realtime HTTP (Request & Response) and Exception logger and viewer for ASP.Net Core Web Apps and APIs. By @IzyPro_
- Whatsticker - Automatically turn images/videos into stickers by using a caption. By @deven96
- WhatsBot - WhatsApp DicoBot is a dictionary bot that enhances your messaging experience. By @yusadolat
- web-crawljs - A web crawler package for Nodejs that makes it easy to crawl web pages. By @Kayslaycode
- Web3terms - A Twitter bot explaining and simplifying web3 terms to everyone. By @olanetsoft
- WordPress Persist Admin Notices Dismissal - Simple plugin that persists dismissal of admin notices across pages in WordPress dashboard. By @w3guy
- wtfoperamini - Development features not supported in Opera Mini, and some crowsourced workarounds for them. By @ireaderinokun
- Yorlang - A programming language with Yoruba language construct. By @anoniscoding