A video player for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles.
Elegant photo browser in Swift. 图片与视频浏览器。
Swift componentization decoupling, router, Mirror reflection, function calls, SceneDelegate decoupling, AppDelegate decoupling. Swift组件化解耦,router,Mirror反射,函数调用,SceneDelegate解耦,AppDelegate解耦
🎈 Great SwiftUI drop-down refresh and scroll up to load more. 下拉刷新、上拉加载
iAppStroe is an Apple Store tool app written in SwiftUI.
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
React mobile UI Components base on Vant
📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
FlutterBoost is a Flutter plugin which enables hybrid integration of Flutter for your existing native apps with minimum efforts
基于Swift插值方式优雅的构建富文本, 支持点击长按事件, 支持不同类型过滤, 支持自定义视图等.
一个专门裁剪图片、GIF、视频的轮子😋 简单易用、功能丰富☕️(高自由度的参数设定、支持旋转和镜像翻转、蒙版、压缩等),能满足绝大部分裁剪的需求。
iOS 组件化开发项目架构设计,结合 MVVM 设计模式 + RAC 数据绑定 + Pod 组件管理, 实现一套实战性的iOS组件化架构
📱iOS private messenger, crypto wallet and light node to Mixin Network
图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iC…
ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS. Over 5000+ animations.
Protect the objective-c application(保护App不闪退)
An elegant messages UI library for iOS
A barcode and qr code scanner( 二维码 各种码识别,生成,界面效果)
BRPickerView 封装的是iOS中常用的选择器组件,主要包括:日期选择器(支持年月日、年月等15种日期样式选择,支持设置星期、至今等)、地址选择器(支持省市区、省市、省三种地区选择)、自定义字符串选择器(支持单列、多列、二级联动、三级联动选择)。支持自定义主题样式,适配深色模式,支持将选择器组件添加到指定容器视图。