This repository contains our source code and data for the CIKM 2023 accepted paper: A Bipartite Graph is All We Need for Enhancing Emotional Reasoning with Commonsense Knowledge.
Here is an overview of the model:
Set up the Python 3.7 environment, and build the dependencies with the following code: pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the torch-geometric package from this link.
You can download our extracted training data and knowledge features for each knowledge source with the following links: COMET2019, COMET2020, Conceptnet. Due to storage limit, we don't provide extracted data for DailyDialog. You can use the following data to re-extract knowledge data for all datasets.
Or you can build data from scratch. Firstly, set up the extraction environments for each knowledge source.
For COMET2019, The related code is in ./comet/. First download the pre-trained COMET models from this link and put it under ./comet/pretrained_models/ directory.
For COMET2020: Download the pre-trained model with the script:
For Conceptnet, download our filtered english version of conceptnet from this link and put it under ./conceptnet/.
Secondly, download the original ERC datasets from this link We also directly provide the original RECCON dataset in this repository (/RECCON_data). Put the downloaded data under the directory of each data source.
Thirdly, run the script to extract the knowledge features:
- For COMET2019, modify and run This script is adapted from the COMET source code
- For COMET_2020, modify and run This script is adapted from the source code of Zhao et al..
- For Conceptnet, modify and run, then run
For training on ERC datasets, we use IEMOCAP as an exmaple:
Training with COMET2020:
python --DATASET IEMOCAP --model_checkpoint roberta-large --NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS 10 --BATCH_SIZE 16 --model_save_dir ./model_save_dir/IEMOCAP --mode train --SEED 42 --ROOT_DIR ./bart_comet_enhanced_data/ --CONV_NAME hgt --COMET_HIDDEN_SIZE 1024 --CUDA
Training with COMET2019:
python --DATASET IEMOCAP --model_checkpoint roberta-large --NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS 10 --BATCH_SIZE 16 --model_save_dir ./model_save_dir/IEMOCAP --mode train --SEED 42 --ROOT_DIR ./comet_origin_enhanced_data/ --CONV_NAME multidim_hgt --COMET_HIDDEN_SIZE 768 --CUDA
Training with Conceptnet:
python --DATASET IEMOCAP --model_checkpoint roberta-large --NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS 10 --BATCH_SIZE 16 --model_save_dir ./model_save_dir/IEMOCAP --mode train --SEED 42 --ROOT_DIR ./conceptnet_enhanced_data/ --CONV_NAME multidim_hgt --COMET_HIDDEN_SIZE 768 --CUDA
Training on other ERC datasets are similar.
For training on CEE dataset RECCON:
Training with COMET2020:
python --DATASET RECCON --model_checkpoint roberta-large --alpha 0.8 --NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS 10 --BATCH_SIZE 1 --model_save_dir ./model_save_dir/RECCON --mode train --LR 3e-6 --SEED 42 --ROOT_DIR ./bart_comet_enhanced_data/ --CONV_NAME hgt --COMET_HIDDEN_SIZE 1024 --CUDA
Training with COMET2019:
python --DATASET RECCON --model_checkpoint roberta-large --alpha 0.8 --NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS 10 --BATCH_SIZE 1 --model_save_dir ./model_save_dir/RECCON --mode train --LR 3e-6 --SEED 42 --ROOT_DIR ./comet_origin_enhanced_data/ --CONV_NAME multidim_hgt --COMET_HIDDEN_SIZE 768 --CUDA
Training with Conceptnet:
python --DATASET RECCON --model_checkpoint roberta-large --alpha 0.8 --NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS 10 --BATCH_SIZE 1 --model_save_dir ./model_save_dir/RECCON --mode train --LR 3e-6 --SEED 42 --ROOT_DIR ./conceptnet_enhanced_data/ --CONV_NAME multidim_hgt --COMET_HIDDEN_SIZE 768 --CUDA# BHG
Please cite the paper as follows: