The StudyAI iOS app. Interacts with StudyAI Server using OpenAI GPT-4o and DALL-E 3. Fully capable with image send, voice send, and more.
- Xcode
- Clone StudyAI-iOS
- Create and fill a Keys file (see below)
- Run the project
This file is to be located in
CallAI > WriteSmith-SwiftUI > Constants > Keys.swift
You must fill the values in this to work.
struct Keys {
struct Ads {
struct Banner {
static let chatView : String
static let conversationView : String
static let essayView : String
static let exploreChatView : String
static let exploreView : String
static let panelView : String
static let settingsView : String
// This may be used for all banner ads when testing
static let debug = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716"
struct Interstitial {
static let chatView : String
static let essayView : String
static let panelView : String
// This may be used for all interstitial ads when testing
static let debug = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/4411468910"
static let sharedSecret : String
static let airtableAPI : String
We would love you to contribute to StudyAI Server. Please feel free to submit a pull request or write my email: [email protected]