Author: Conor Fee
This project is a Country Search Web Application built as part of a take-home assessment. The web app allows users to search for countries by name, with results displayed dynamically based on the user's input.
The application uses a frontend (HTML, PHP, CSS) and a backend(MySQl) to store and search for country names. When a user enters a search term in the input box, the app queires a database of country names (countryName) and display's the matching results.
XAMPP: I used xampp to provide me with a local web server environment for developing and implementing my php application. phpMyadmin: I used phpMyadmin to manage mySQL database which stores the list of countries in a database called "countriesDB". PHP: this handled the backend logic, it processes the user's input and queries the mySQL database. MySQL: A MySQL database is used to store the list of countries. This web app performs SQL queries to retrieve matching countries based on the search term. HTML/CSS: The frontend is built with HTML for structure and CSS for styling.