This is aimed to be usable both as a standalone binary and as a library (Not done yet) The aim of the project is to implement different method of DLL injection into a remote process
This project use the windows crate to interact with Windows and the PeLite to parse the PE, will try to make it better to avoid PeLite (used to test faster) and try to include direct syscalling. May add the handling of user selected shellcode, by taking a COFF and searching for a symbol given by the user.
rustache_loader -I <PID> -P <path_to_dll> -S <path_to_shellcode (not required if shellcode is in the shellcode build directory)> -B (build shellcode from the source dir ?)
My code load and set the DLL, then call the entry point
Handle more shellcode, at least with a different symbol name
My code put the DLL in the memory map of the process, create a thread and the DLL set itself up
I've already done a LoadLibrary one in rust before so it'll be added later
Maybe Then i'll try to get a better PE Loader
Hopefully making it so that the user can chose which one to use
GuidedHacking (
For the Manual map tutorial + the multiples threads and answer to better it
For the skeleton of my Rust shellcode