Tags: CopernicaMarketingSoftware/AMQP-CPP
Toggle v4.3.27's commit message
prepare for next release 4.3.27
Toggle v4.3.26's commit message
Merge pull request #502 from CopernicaMarketingSoftware/connection-bl…
Implement connection.blocked notification handling
Toggle v4.3.25's commit message
Toggle v4.3.24's commit message
Merge pull request #497 from CopernicaMarketingSoftware/better-connec…
Add more information to the ConnectionStartFrame
Toggle v4.3.23's commit message
support removal of properties from a message header
Toggle v4.3.22's commit message
added more constructors to AMQP::Envelope
Toggle v4.3.21's commit message
AMQP::Tagger now takes a std::string_view
Toggle v4.3.20's commit message
Update docs to mention C++17
Toggle v4.3.19's commit message
fix #489 , Address::operator== is broken
Toggle v4.3.18's commit message
"make install" now creates symlinks for the *.so files that no longer…
… target an absolute path
You can’t perform that action at this time.