FuzzBtor2 is a fuzzer to generate random word-level model checking problems in Btor2 format.
- [TACAS'23] FuzzBtor2: A Random Generator of Word-Level Model Checking Problems in Btor2 Format
Our recommended running and compilation environment is Linux + gcc/g++.
Assuming ${FUZZER_DIR}/FuzzBtor2
is the path where FuzzBtor2 is located, one can compile FuzzBtor2 as follows:
cd ${FUZZER_DIR}/FuzzBtor2
The resulting executable file is ${FUZZER_DIR}/FuzzBtor2
The standard command to execute FuzzBtor2 in a Linux system is as follows.
./fuzzbtor [options]
./fuzzbtor --seed 10 --max-depth 3 --constraints 0 --max-inputs 3 --possible-sizes 4..8
For more detailed usage, please try
./fuzzbtor -h
or refer to the corresponding paper.