CREDITS: @Sen (@zalexki zalexki ) from DayZModders Discord Server for the KillScore system
-Removed the use of command lines as keys to disable and enable mods due to complications with third party hosting services
-Added 'ModSettings.c' that handles all the mod options. Enabling/Disabling features are all now manipulated via this file.
Usage: As an admin use the command /export and the gear that is currently on your player will be saved and can be utilized as a loadout-on-spawn if you enable 'm_CustomLoadouts' & 'm_StaticLoadouts' make sure to disable 'm_RandomizedLoadouts' -Added Customizable Infected randomized server events. ( check InfectedHordes.c For more info ) -AdminTool: Added a new command /LoadoutType used to switch from using static loadouts to randomized. Works only if custom loadouts is enabled in ModSettings.c
-Fixed a bug with the AdminTool printing error messages in crash.log and scripts.log due to shitty code :P -Improved the functionailty of some loops that could have caused possible FPS drops (safezone...)
-New Loadout feature does not attach secondary weapon attachmnets (pistol/weapon that is placed within an inventory container). -SafeZone Godmode is not really godmode thats because the damage fucntions are hard-codded into the game engine.
-Support for client side. -UI for trader system, admin tool interface/panel, Customizable map UI, Killfeed UI
- Fully Customizable Randomized AI server events.
- Support of 'event mode' ( switching the server from survival to PvP style with ability to customize playzones,match duration etc )