A Zig language idiomatic and type-checked bindings for IUP Portable User Interface Toolkit
A simple hello world example looks like this:
usingnamespace @import("iup.zig");
pub fn main() !void {
try MainLoop.open();
defer MainLoop.close();
var main_dialog = try (Dialog.init()
.setTitle("Hello World")
.setMargin(10, 10)
.setTitle("Hello World from IUPforZig"),
defer main_dialog.deinit();
try main_dialog.showXY(.Center, .Center);
try MainLoop.beginLoop();
fn exit(button: *Button) !void {
Resulting in this:
This project contains source-code automatically generated by The IUP Metadata Project.
Most of the hard/repetitive work was done by code-gen tool, however, the API guidelines and all the interop code belongs here on this project.
Zig does not require any special treatment to use C libraries, so to use IUP in Zig, it is as simple as adding @cInclude("iup.h")
in your source code, no need for special bindings!
This project attempts to create Zig bindings for IUP Toolkit with idiomatic and type-checked API, where none of the original IUP's declarations are exposed in the public interface, only names and concepts are kept as close as possible.
- IUP simple example in C:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iup.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Ihandle *dlg, *multitext, *vbox;
IupOpen(&argc, &argv);
multitext = IupText(NULL);
vbox = IupVbox(
IupSetAttribute(multitext, "MULTILINE", "YES");
IupSetAttribute(multitext, "EXPAND", "YES");
dlg = IupDialog(vbox);
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Simple Notepad");
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "SIZE", "QUARTERxQUARTER");
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "USERSIZE", NULL);
- Equivalent example in Zig:
usingnamespace @import("iup.zig");
pub fn main() !void {
try MainLoop.open();
defer MainLoop.close();
var main_dialog = try (Dialog.init()
.setTitle("Simple Notepad")
.setSize(.Quarter, .Quarter)
defer main_dialog.deinit();
try main_dialog.showXY(.Center, .Center);
try MainLoop.beginLoop();
The build.zig
file is the bare minimum for link against IUP shared libraries on Linux and Windows.
Please visit IUP's download page for your platform: https://sourceforge.net/projects/iup/files/3.30/
Dependencies for libim
and libcd
are also required:
Support for collections and indexed attributes (list items for example)
Complete the Simple Notepad example.
Support Linux and Windows (using shared libs)
Investigate how to build IUP from C sources in Zig.
More tests, and sanitize failing tests.
Additional controls (image library, matrix, GLCanvas, scintilla, plot, etc)
Feel free to place any comments/issues/PRs, it will be very nice to receive any feedback 🚀.
Some great projects that served as inspiration.
This project is a free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Plese visit unlicense.org for more details.
IUP is a Tecgraf/PUC-Rio project licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Please visit https://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/ for more details.