This is the official source code of frontend/website/android/iOS app of SEAS - Kirchengemeinden. There unfortunately is no the source code of the backend/API available, because it's a commercial product. But feel free to request a demo and don't be afraid to contribute to this project or clone it and make it better for yourself or your community.
In the mobile app, you can freely choose community you want to use.
Since the webapp is only for one community, you'll need to adjust the public/config.json
and use an existing product id.
Feel free to request a demo community.
npm install
npm run dev
Just export the project (npm run build:web), put it onto a webspace and route every request to root that is not a ressource (/).
The serve script (serve.js) can handle that for you. (No SSL)
To just host the application (Using the node script from above without SSL):
docker run -d -p 80:80 -e PORT=80 -e SERVER_ID=12345 --name seas craftery/seas-frontend:latest
npx expo export
For the web export, you'll need to edit the config.json file manually in the directory of the output.