Project #1 for the Udacity Senior Web Developer Nanodegree
Passed on 17 June 2016
You do not need to create a functioning back-end or save user information. Only the form components themselves and their performance will be evaluated.
You do not need to create a real back-end or save user information, but the app must provide a form for users to create an account. Account creation should include, but is not limited to:
- Name
- Email address
- Secure password (with character and length requirements)
- Optional public biographical information (such as employer, job title, birthday, etc)
The app should allow users to create a new event. Each event should, at a minimum, allow a user to set:
- Name of the event
- Type of the event (birthday party, conference talk, wedding, etc.)
- Event host (could be an individual’s name or an organization)
- Event start date and time
- Event end date and time
- Guest list
- Location
- Optional message to the guests with additional information about the event
The app should display events that have been created.