The main goal of KickOff is to quickly get you started on your project with UIkit 3, bringing a solid layout foundation to work upon.
All the layouts are only using UIkit default styles, no extra css it´s added to keep things clean and simple.
The css styles are the minified latest version of UIKit 3 ( currently 3.0.0-beta.42 ) from the cdn.
The code try to be as simple as possible, with commented sections, validated and semantic html5 markup.
Since UIkit 3 removed JQuery dependancy, it´s not included. All JS implementations are created by adding data-uk-*
attributes to the HTML elements. No additional JS lines are added.
The uikit.min.js
file is the minified latest version of UIKit 3 ( currently 3.0.0-beta.42 ) from the cdn.
The data-uk-*
syntax it´s used in order to work with every library and get html code validated.
All used components from UIkit 3 used in each layout are listed in order to know what is required.
All used pictures are random images from
At the moment this layouts are available ( will be more available soon! ):
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