base / chains
Forked from ethereum-lists/chainsprovides metadata for networkIDs and chainIDs
A permissionless blockchain network to manage digital identity and access rights
OmniFlix Hub is the root chain of the OmniFlix Network. Sovereign chains and DAOs build on top of or connect to the OmniFlix Hub to manage their web2 & web3 media operations to mint, manage, distri…
Javascript & TypeScript SDK for FirmaChain
FirmaChain Blockchain, using Go, Tendermint, Cosmos SDK.
Wallet, Staking, Governance Tool for FirmaChain
Evmos is the canonical EVM chain on Cosmos. Evmos is the flagship implementation of evmOS, a stack to build forward compatible EVMs
Ethermint is a Cosmos SDK library for running scalable and interoperable EVM chains