本项目正在开发当中 | This project still under development
本项目是GloomScript语言的解释器实现,解释器前端包含手动实现的 lexer、parser 和 analyzer 以及 bytecode-compiler,其后端是一个字节码解释器。 最近,本项目会添加异步运行时、协程 以及一些标准库。
This project is an interpreter implementation of GloomScript in Rust, which has a manually implemented frontend consist of lexer parser analyzer and bytecode-compiler with a bytecode interpreter in backend. recently, this project will add async-runtime coroutine and some standard lib
GloomScript 是一个多编程范式、静态类型、基于表达式的脚本语言,同样由我设计。
这个目录有一些用于测试和示例的GloomScript代码: /gloom 如果项目处于稳定阶段,那么其中出现的代码应当是解释器可执行的。
GloomScript is a expression-based script language with multi normal form and static type system.
This directory has some files that used to test and example: /gloom. All codes in this directory are supported yet by the interpreter if the project is stable.
本项目欢迎各位的贡献,你可以阅读这个文件来获取基础的开发信息 /doc/dev.md
This project welcome contributions, you could read this file to get some basic information of development /doc/dev.md