- Copy
, add a working email and password./!\ DO NOT COMMIT THIS FILE.
- On Ubuntu, in several distinct shells, :
npm install # [optional] Install dependencies at first time
npm run-script mongo # Turn on mongodb database
npm run-script build && npm run dev # Build website and run dev mode (hot reloading).
npm run-script serverjs # Run website's server (requires `.env`)
chromium-browser "http://localhost:5000/#/" # [optional] Opens landing page
Route ./#/{...} |
Verb | Pass | Description |
/activity | GET | no | Get activity form to define an activity { title, guideline, sessions, participants } |
/activity | POST | no | Create an activity with unique id and admin password. |
/activity/:activity_id | GET | no | Reach activity's description. |
/activity/:activity_id | PUT | yes | Update a activity with new info [password. |
/activity/:activity_id | DELETE | yes | Delete activity |
/activity/:activity_id/participants | GET | yes | Read participants. |
/activity/:activity_id/participants | PUT | yes | Update participants. |
/activity/:activity_id/participants | POST | yes | Create participant. |
/activity/:activity_id/participants | DELETE | yes | Delete participant. |
/activity/:activity_id/planning | GET | no | Get public planing with students IDs. |
/activity/:activity_id/rubric | GET | no | Get public rubrics form/display. |
/activity/:activity_id/rubric | POST | yes | Post rubric. |
/activity/:activity_id/rubric | PUT | yes | Update rubric. |
/activity/:activity_id/review | GET | no | Get activity form to fill. |
/activity/:activity_id/review | POST | no | Post reviews. |
/activity/:activity_id/admin | GET | yes | Get secret admin dashboard. |
All the mongo models can be found here : https://github.com/hugolpz/PeersGraderApp/tree/master/models The client models that supports mongo's data and some more for state management purpose can be found here :
Take a look at the state object.
Report issues or ideas on github.
- Hugo Lopez —— project design, earlier prototyping using HTML/CSS/JS & Google forms.
- Stéphane Jabol —— skillful realisation using MongoDB, NodeJS, VueJS, etc.
- Source codes under MIT License
- Contents under CC-by-sa-4.0