Scan your EC2 instance to find its vulnerabilities using Vuls (
Configured AWS account with the EC2 actions mentioned below. The policy containing these requirements can be found in red-detector-policy.json.
- "AttachVolume"
- "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress"
- "DescribeInstances"
- "CreateKeyPair"
- "DescribeRegions"
- "RunInstances"
- "ReportInstanceStatus"
- "DescribeSnapshots"
- "CreateVolume"
- "DescribeAvailabilityZones"
- "DescribeVpcs"
- "CreateSecurityGroup"
- "DescribeVolumes"
- "CreateSnapshot"
Running EC2 instance - Make sure you know the region and instance id of the EC2 instance you would like to scan. Supported versions:
- Ubuntu: 14, 16, 18, 19, 20
- Debian: 6, 8, 9
- Redhat: 7, 8
- Suse: 12
- Amazon: 2
- Oracle: 8
sudo git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd red-detector
- Run
- Region selection: use default region (us-east-1) or select a region. Notice that if the selected region does not contain any EC2 instances you will be asked to choose another region.
- EC2 inatance-id selection: you will get a list of all EC2 instances ids under your selected region and you will be asked to choose the inatance you would like to scan. Make sure to choose a valide answer (the number left to the desired id).
- Track the process progress... It takes about 30 minutes.
- Get a link to your report!