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Puppeteer Cheat Sheet

Puppeteer Cheat Sheet with the most needed stuff..


Missing dependencies

In some cases maybe those dependencies are missing on debian and you can not start chrome. To solve install (

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator3-1 libasound2 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgbm1 libgcc1 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libnss3 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 lsb-release wget xdg-utils

# Fedora
sudo dnf install alsa-lib.x86_64 atk.x86_64 cups-libs.x86_64 gtk3.x86_64 ipa-gothic-fonts libXcomposite.x86_64 libXcursor.x86_64 libXdamage.x86_64 libXext.x86_64 libXi.x86_64 libXrandr.x86_64 libXScrnSaver.x86_64 libXtst.x86_64 pango.x86_64 xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic xorg-x11-fonts-misc xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-utils


In some cases you maybe have extremly long loading times in headless mode specially on server. To fix this you must change the user-agent:

await page.setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3851.0 Safari/537.36');

Kill all processes


# debian
killall -9 chrome

Take screenshot as buffer and then save the buffer

const image = await page.screenshot()
await fs.writeFile('test.jpg', image, 'binary')

Take screenshot and directly save the image

const image = await page.screenshot({path: 'test.jpg'})

Event Listener

  • Emitted when Puppeteer gets disconnected from the Chromium instance. This might happen because of one of the following:
    • Chromium is closed or crashed
    • The browser.disconnect method was called
browser.on('disconnected', doSomething())

import function as string to DOM and execute

   * Execute script inside of DOM by creating new function and run it
   * @param {string} script - Script we want to execute
   * @param {object} page - PPTR page
  async evalScript(script, page) {
    return await page.evaluate(async script=>{
      return new Function('return ' + script)()();
    }, script); // return await page.evaluate(async script=>{


// method 1 (cheerio)
const $ = cheerio.load( await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('body').outerHTML) );

let ar = [];
$( 'li.s-item' ).each(function(){  
    ar.push( $( this ).find( '.s-item__link' ).attr( 'href' ) );

// method 2 (puppeteer)
const hrefs1 = await page.evaluate(() => Array.from(
               document.querySelectorAll('.zp_PrhFA a[href]'),
               a => a.getAttribute('href')

// method 3 (puppeteer)
const elementHandles = await page.$$('.zp_PrhFA a');
const propertyJsHandles = await Promise.all( => handle.getProperty('href'))  );	  
const hrefs2 = await Promise.all( => handle.jsonValue())  );

// method 4 (puppeteer)
const scrappedSingleItemURLs_AR = await page.evaluate(() => {

       const all = document.querySelectorAll('.s-item__link');
       var ar = [];

          for( const d of all ){
	   ar.push(d.getAttribute('href')?.replace( /\?_trkparms=(.*)/gmi, '' ));
	   } return ar;




await browser.disconnect()


const res = await browser.isConnected() // true or false


Open new page

var newTab = await client.newPage();
await newTab.goto(link, {waitUntil: 'load', timeout: 35000});

Close current Page

await page.close();        

Close all Pages

* @returns {array} - All open pages from PPTR.
async getPages() {
  return await this.browser.pages()

* Close all pages
async closePages() {
  const ar = await this.getPages()
  for(const page of ar) {
    await page.close()

Stop loading of current page


  • returns: <Promise<Array>> Promise which resolves to an array of all open pages. Non visible pages, such as "background_page", will not be listed here. You can find them using
var allPages = await browser.pages);

Wait until new link loaded after click on submit as example

await page.waitForNavigation();   

Get current url

console.log( page.url() );      

Get url of redirect


import array with redirect urls and get back as return an array which the final redirected urls

*WARNING* This will be executed parallel so only import small range of links because for each link we open a new tab for redirect check. If you open too many tabs parallel you may crash your Browser. Alternative build in any wait method to prevent overload of tabs.

async function getRedirectURL(importedArray){
log( 'ENTER getRedirectURL() - Imported Array: ' + importedArray );

  let arrayRedirectsURLS = [];
  if( importedArray[0] ){

        await Promise.all(
     d => {
              log( 'Current array item we process: ' + d );

                let pageTMP = await client.newPage();
                await pageTMP.goto(d, {waitUntil: 'load', timeout: 35000});

                let currenturl = pageTMP.url()
                log( 'Final url after redirect: ' + currenturl );


              }) // process => {
        ); // await Promise.all(

  } //    if( importedArray[0] ){
  log( 'redirect loop done..' );

  await page.bringToFront();
  return arrayRedirectsURLS;

} //  async function getRedirectURL(importedArray){

Disable javascript

const page = await browser.newPage()
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false)


// You can use body or :root
let css = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('body').outerHTML);
var $ = cheerio.load(css);
let errorMessage = $(css).find('.ytp-error-content-wrap-reason > span').text();
log( 'errorMessage:' + errorMessage + '\n\n' );


await page.waitFor(1000);         

Close Session

await client.close();        

If State

if ( await page.$('#confirm-button') ) await'#confirm-button');
if ( !await page.$('#confirm-button') ) await'#confirm-button');  
if (   await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.zp_1FMXH span.zp_22lW4')?.innerText?.includes('Account'))   ){        

Delete cookies

// does not work in headless
let client = await;
await client.send('Network.clearBrowserCookies');
await client.send('Network.clearBrowserCache');  

Delete cookies in headless

  • If it not works out of the box try this
// You can try and use incognito mode and close the page then re-open a new page with a fresh cookie

(async () => {
  var puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
  var browser = puppeteer.launch();
  var context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext();
  var page = await context.newPage();

Incognito window

// When you close context at the end and you want to create a new session after you must create again a new context
const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext();
const page = await context.newPage();

// Execute your code
await page.goto('...');
// ...

await context.close(); // clear history

Copy text from clipboard

//method #1
const context = await browser.defaultBrowserContext()
await context.overridePermissions('', ['clipboard-read'])
const copiedText = await page.evaluate(`(async () => await navigator.clipboard.readText())()`)

//method #2 (copy the clipboard from your os - Not working in headless because most clipboards are only browser internal)
const clipboardy = require('clipboardy');
//=> '🦄'

Fix for Javascript on website stops when window not in focus

const session = await;
await session.send('Page.enable');
await session.send('Page.setWebLifecycleState', {state: 'active'});

Emulate timezone

await page.emulateTimezone( 'Europe/berlin' );
console.log( await page.evaluate(() => date.toString()) );


Check if visible

// check currently if element is visble in viewport
let playButton = await page.$('.ytp-large-play-button.ytp-button');
if (await playButton.isIntersectingViewport()) console.log( 'Large play button was found.. Video did not started itself' );

//method 1
// wait until element gets visible.. timeout 0 means wait forever until visible
// return JSHandle@node if true or undefenied if false
let visible = await page.waitForSelector('#user-panel', {visible: true, timeout:0});

// method 2
try {
  await page.waitForSelector('.zp_PrhFA a', {visible: true, timeout:30000});
  singleItemURL_JSON.contactemail = true;
} catch(e) {
  log( 'email error: ' + e.message );

Change Viewport of page

const viewport = {width: 1920, height: 1080}
await page.setViewport({...viewport})


Wait until element got specific text

await page.waitFor((name) => {
 return document.querySelector('.top .name')?.textContent == name;
}, {timeout: 60000},;


/* this works with any puppeteer command.. You can check if something is visible as example and if not you get error and can work wit ith

- networkidle0 comes handy for SPAs that load resources with fetch requests. consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms
- networkidle2 comes handy for pages that do long-polling or any other side activity. consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms.
- load = will also wait until page is fully loaded but this can be also used for redirects inside.

timeout = time until we wait before we stop waiting..

async function openLink(page, link){
log( 'openLink() - link: ' + link );

  try { await page.goto(link, {waitUntil: 'networkidle0', timeout: 35000});
  } catch(e) { log( 'openLink() - Error while open link.. Error: ' + e?.message );

    if( e?.message.match('Navigation timeout of') ) log( '#2 - Navigation timeout was found we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );
    if( e?.message.match( 'net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE' ) ) log( '#2 - net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE was found we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );
    if( e?.message.match( 'net::ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED' ) ) log( '#2 - net::ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED was found we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );
    if( e?.message.match( 'net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED' ) ) log( '#2 - net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED was found we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );
    if( e?.message.match( 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED' ) ) log( '#2 - net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED was found we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );
    if( e?.message.match( 'net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED' ) ) log( '#2 - net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED was found.. Maybe your proxy is offline? Maybe change your proxy.. However we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );
    if( e?.message.match( 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED' ) ) log( '#2 - net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED was found we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );
    if( e?.message.match( 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT' ) ) log( '#2 - net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT was found we reload page in 30 seconds..\n\n' );

    // optional timeout
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30000));

  }; return true;

} // async function openLink(page, link){

Key presses


// In most cases the field you want to use enter must be focus. You can do this by click as example

//method #1'Enter');

//method #2
await page.type(String.fromCharCode(13));

Get Data

Get text

//method #1
let videoDuration = await page.evaluate(element => element.textContent, await page.$(".ytp-time-duration") );

//method #2
let reason = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#reason').textContent);

//method #3 (cheerio) - You can use aswell :root instead of body
let css = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('body').outerHTML);
let $ = cheerio.load(css);
let errorMessage = $(css).find('.ytp-error-content-wrap-reason > span').text();
console.log( 'errorMessage:' + errorMessage + '\n\n' );  

Get attribute

//method #1
let contactlinkedin = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.zp_3_fnL').getAttribute('href') );

Find element with specific text

// METHOD 1 (WARNING - Does not work when multiple elements with the same css selector exist. It will always match the first result)
let el = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div')?.innerText?.includes('Share URL')  );

let emailcheck = await page.evaluate(() => {  if (Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a.zp_3_fnL')).find(el => el.textContent === 'Access Email')) return true;  });

Enter Text

// In most cases method #1 is not working cause the input val cant be found by the website at validation
// method #1 (not recommended for most cases)
await page.$eval('input[name=search]', (el, value) => el.value = value, 'text here..');

// method #2 (human like typing - most viable for all inputs)
// you must set a delay or you may get type errors and wrong characters
// Some input boxes require to verify the input by press enter. In order to be able to press enter you must click or focus the input before this

await page.type('input[data-ng-model="file.title"]', 'namehere', { delay: 10 });

// method #3
await page.evaluate(() => { document.querySelector('textarea').value = 'sample_message123'; });


await page.hover('.ytp-progress-bar-container');                       


const searchInput = await page.$('input[name=q]');
await searchInput.focus();


await page.$eval('input[id="search"]', e => e.blur());


// method #1
await'#dropDown > li[data-production-type="example"]');

// method #2
let item = '.ytp-play-button.ytp-button';
await page.evaluate((item) => {
}, item);                          

Click on element with specific text

// method #1
let selector = 'button';
    await page.$$eval(selector, anchors => { => {
            if(anchor.textContent == '+ Add Dropoff Notes') {
// method #2
await page.evaluate(() => {
  [...document.querySelectorAll('button')].find(element => element.textContent === '+ Add Dropoff Notes').click();


Use --proxy-server at the launch option as example:

and then later authenticate with the code from below..

for some reasons socks5 not working with this method.. In order to use proxy and socks in more viable way use:
await page.authenticate({'username': username, 'password': password});


await page.waitForSelector('input[type=file]');
await page.waitFor(1000);
let input = await page.$('input[type="file"]');
await input.uploadFile(filepath);           


// switch between tabs/bring them in focus
await page1.bringToFront();
await page2.bringToFront();                   

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________


client = await puppeteer.launch({
  //executablePath: '/snap/bin/chromium',
  //executablePath: '/usr/bin/google-chrome',
  //executablePath: '/home/user/Downloads/Linux_x64_749751_chrome-linux/chrome-linux/chrome',
  //executablePath: '/home/user/Downloads/firefox-78.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64/firefox/firefox',
  /* You can use the executablePath like above to use specific browser binary or you can use the product value to choose chrome/firefox.

  On linux terminals you should be able to use:
  - PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=firefox npm install puppeteer

  After this run:
  npm install puppeteer
  If not you must set PUPPETEER_PRODUCT as environment variable by using:
  npm config set PUPPETEER_PRODUCT firefox npm i puppeteer

  Then you can can run after this inside of your project:
  npm i puppeteer

  To install chrome just change again to and then install again:
  npm config set PUPPETEER_PRODUCT chrome npm i puppeteer
  Alternative you can try it aswell for your project only  (

  If your firefox is not starting use:
    args: [
  product: 'chrome',
  headless: false,
  devtools: true, // <-- open dev tools and also force headfull mode
  ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
  userDataDir: '../../../../../lib/browserProfiles/' + config_browser_profile,
  args: [


  '--window-size=' + windowWidth + ',' + windowHeight;
  // '--disable-setuid-sandbox',

  '--disable-webgl', // webgl
  '--disable-3d-apis', // webgl
  //'--disable-reading-from-canvas', // <-- youtube videos not playing with this enabled




page = await client.newPage();
await page.waitFor(5000);
await page.bringToFront();
await page.setViewport({width:windowWidth, height:windowHeight});

Install Firefox and Chrome together

  • To install both Chromium and Firefox at the same time:
# Install Chrome
npm install puppeteer

# Install Firefox
cd node_modules/puppeteer
PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=firefox node install.js
cd ../..

# You should now see that they're both installed:
ls -1d node_modules/puppeteer/.local*
# node_modules/puppeteer/.local-chromium
# node_modules/puppeteer/.local-firefox


Interact with iFrames

const elementHandle = await page.$('#iframe');
const frame = await elementHandle.contentFrame();


  • Insert function from Node APP to DOM
await page.exposeFunction('config', ()=>{
    return JSON.parse(  fs.readFileSync('./admin/config.json', 'utf8')  );

await page.evaluate(async () => {
  // window.myConfig = await config(); // <-- alternative you can create global variable too
  const myConfig = await config();
  console.log(`config is ${JSON.stringify(myConfig)}`);


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const iPhone = puppeteer.devices['iPhone 6'];

puppeteer.launch().then(async browser => {
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.emulate(iPhone);
  await page.goto('');
  // other actions...
  await browser.close();

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________


Click to expand..

Next.js Gif Creator

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Third Party Links

Chromium Browser extension


Puppeteer Cheat Sheet with the most needed stuff..






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