Apache Dubbo (incubating) is a high-performance, java based RPC framework open-sourced by Alibaba. Please visit dubbo official site for quick start and documentations, as well as Wiki for news, FAQ, and release notes.
We are now collecting dubbo user info in order to help us to improve dubbo better, pls. kindly help us by providing yours on issue#1012: Wanted: who's using dubbo, thanks :)
- Side projects
- Dubbo Spring Boot - Spring Boot Project for Dubbo.
- Dubbo ops - The reference implementation for dubbo ops(dubbo-admin,dubbo-monitor-simple,dubbo-registry-simple,etc.).
- Dubbo website - Apache Dubbo (incubating) documents
- Dubbo rpc-jsonrpc - The Json rpc module of Apache Dubbo (incubating) project
- Dubbo feature-test - Apache Dubbo (incubating) feature test
- Dubbo docs - Apache Dubbo (incubating) documentation
- Developer Mailing list - Any questions or suggestions? Please follow this guide to subscribe to ([email protected]) and discuss with us.
- Gitter channel - Online chat room with Dubbo developers.
- Dubbo user manual(English) or Dubbo用户手册(中文) - Describe how to use Dubbo and all features of Dubbo concretely.
- Dubbo developer guide(English) or Dubbo开发手册(中文) - Detailly introduce the design principal, extension mechanisms, code conventions, version control and building project, etc.
- Dubbo admin manual(English) or Dubbo管理手册(中文) - Describe how to use Dubbo registry and admin-console.