$ npm install gif-ness-canvas
Gifbuilder uses the same methods as Nessbuilder, whose documentation you will find here.
The only difference is that the gifbuilder takes into account the gif type image and therefore can generate GIF. The GIF generate reading size will depend on the reading size of the GIFs which has been given to it, more precisely it will take the shortest.
⚠️ If this does not suit you and you want certain features to choose the initial duration of the GIF and not that it is based on the GIF or other features, you only have to ask, only according to the request that I would make appropriate changes
const background = await loadImage('https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1006600590408818810/1006600665298116728/background-3147808.jpg');
const avatar = await loadImage('https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758031322244710601/1000153437813616650/perso_anime_U565bW7EhY2InkF.png');
const gif:any = "./assets/image/gif/stickMan.gif"
const gif2:any = "./assets/image/gif/tvHS.gif"
const image = await loadImage('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Gull_portrait_ca_usa.jpg');
const builder = new GifBuilder(700, 250)
.setBackground(background) // Add Backgr ound
.setImage(gif, {sx: 250, sy: 25, sWidth: 250, sHeight: 150})
.setFrame("Square", { x: 25, y:25, size: 80 }, { type: "Image", content: avatar, color: "Brown" })
.setFrame("Circle", { x: 525, y: 25, size: 80 }, { type: "Image", content: image, color: "Crimson" })
.setFrame("Decagon", { x: 275, y: 75, size: 80 }, { type: "Image", content: gif2, color: "Fuchsia" })
await builder.generatedTo(".", "test")
// console.log(await builder.toDataURL())
// console.log(await builder.toBuffer())