- Madrid, Spain
- @DAreRodz
DeepSignal 🧶 - Preact signals, but using regular JavaScript objects
Moved to https://github.com/luisherranz/deepsignal
A Svelte preprocessor that replaces store mutable assignments with immer updates
An experiment to create Gutenberg blocks using Mitosis and compile them to both a Liquid template and a React component that hydrates the server-rendered HTML.
Step-by-step tutorial designed to help you learn website development with Frontity.
🔥 Contact Form 7 extension for Frontity theme.
The Frontity project of the frontity.org site
A Frontity theme built with Chakra UI
» Frontity - Create amazing sites using WordPress & React
🎨 A Frontity Twentynineteen theme Project
» Frontity - The React Framework for WordPress
Proof of concept that wraps semantic-release to work with monorepos.
A wrapper tool to wrap/inject mobx in React using just a mapper function