- Russia, Novosibirsk
(UTC +07:00) - www.dc-swat.ru
maximqaxd / xash3d-fwgs_dc
Forked from FWGS/xash3d-fwgsXash3D FWGS engine.
Ghidra Script/Data for Dreamcast Reverse Engineering
SEGA Dreamcast Tools for BootROM font
Blender addon for importing NaomiLib files
A Dreamcast ethernet loader originally by ADK/Napalm — This project is part of KallistiOS. [
IMG4DC – Dreamcast Selfboot Toolkit. Generate ready-to-use disc images for your Sega Dreamcast system!
A general purpose game engine for Linux, Android and the SEGA Dreamcast!
A daemon that creates a bridge between a Dreamcast's Dial-up Modem, and the Internet via the Pi
DC-SWAT / KallistiOS
Forked from KallistiOS/KallistiOSA pseudo-operating system for the Sega Dreamcast. This repository is a mirror of the official SourceForge repository for KOS.
DreamHAL is a hardware abstraction library (HAL) for Dreamcast/SH4
A homebrew SDK/pseudo-operating system for the Sega Dreamcast. This repository is a mirror of the official SourceForge repository for KOS.
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) for MultiWii and Cleanflight flight controller
An FPGA based GDROM emulator for the Sega Dreamcast
Drivers, servers, and all related software for playing the Dreamcast version of Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram on the Internet.