Text based RPG game with a story, shopping, NPC's, and fighting
🎮 The classic retro game recreated using Pygame and python
Database project of box and inventory sprites from the Pokémon core series games
Guess that Pokemon game using pygame module
Template for a basic slash commands bot
A simple poketwo helper bot (period) with smogon support.
You can convert your Python Code to Android APK.
A Discord bot made with Python in which you can Catch, Trade, Sell and Buy Pokemons !
This Is Discord Spammer That Runs 24 x 7 For Poketwo Spawns.
Amazing Free Pokétwo Assistant that identifies Pokémons from Pokétwo spawns, pings a role if a legendary spawns and pins them, pings you if your Shiny Hunt Pokémon spawns and other features like Qu…
This specific selfbot was designed to automatically catch pokemon spawned on Discord by Poketwo bot. It also offers other utility functions to automate features like trading, releasing, id search, …
Fully-free Online Android-AppStore - no need to Download ! Visit from your Android Device !
Official Repo of Command Line-Interfaced Terminal (CLIT) !
Tool used to create the official Raspberry Pi OS images
Mirror of the apt git repository - This is just a mirror of the upstream repository, please submit pull requests there:
A tool to recover a fully analyzable .ELF from a raw kernel, through extracting the kernel symbol table (kallsyms)
Automated weekly build of the default branch 64-bit bcm2711_defconfig (+ tweaks) Linux kernel for the RPi4
This is the official eFlasher Installer ! eFlasher is a tool for flashing Linux Distro's ISOs to USBs / SD cards .
This is the official TOS-Lite-Edu-Utils Repo !
eLS, short for eLinuxStore, is an AppStore for "amd64" Linux Devices
eFlasher , a tool for flashing Linux Distro's ISOs to USBs / SD cards !
Installation scripts and binaries for the Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5 bootloader EEPROMs