removesilence: remove silent segments from a video file using ffmpeg.
Usage of removesilence:
Required flags:
-infile string
Path to input video file.
-outfile string
Path to output video file.
-maxpause float
max allowable period of silence (seconds). Any silent segment longer than
this will be trimmed down to exactly this length by removing the middle
portion and leaving maxpause/2 seconds of padding on each side.
-silencedb float
volume level (dB) below which audio is considered to be silence.
Usually negative (e.g. -30).
Optional flags:
-minkeep float
minimum length of segment to include (including any padding).
keep temp files
-intropadding float
number of seconds of video to keep before you start talking for the first time.
-outropadding float
number of seconds of video to keep after you stop talking for the last time.
go build removesilence.go
./removesilence -infile in.mp4 -outfile out.mp4 -maxpause 2 -silencedb -30 -minkeep 2.4