- Create a minimalist Pomodoro technique app
- The user can use it to improve their productive time for a certain task, work 25 minutes and rest 5 minutes when the user complete 4 rounds of work the next rest will be for 20 minutes
- Choose you a task you want to work/do
- Start the timer (25 minutes)
- Right now the user cannot change the work time(25 minutes). The next version will have this functionality
- Right now the user cannot change the work time(25 minutes). The next version will have this functionality
- When the "work time" is done, the user can rest 5 minutes
- The user will have 4 rounds of "work time"
- When the user finished the 4 round the rest time will change to 20 minutes
- Just a few images of how the app looks in an IPhone 11 Pro Max
- Design of the app
- Create the design in Xcode
- Timer functionality
- Solve the issue about the timer working when the app is on background
- Count the rounds for the work time
- Change the time and the label time
- Notification for the work time and the rest time
- Circular progress bar, using cocoa pods to add the code for the MBCircularProgressBar
- Create the logo of the app
I use this code for the creation of the circular progress bar
- You can check how the progress bar works here https://github.com/MatiBot/MBCircularProgressBar
- Settings screen: For the next version the plan is to have a screen to modify the work time and the rest time
- Show some metrics about how much are the user working by day, week and month
- To have objectives/goals by day
- Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Flores [email protected]
- Permission is free of charge, to any person obtaining this software and associated documentation files, to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use it and with the limitation of publishing, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software