Codes used in "Exploiting the mediating role of the metabolome to unravel transcript-to-phenotype associations" (Auwerx et al, bioRxiv 2022)
A package for running MR In batches and in parallel quickly
LocasaleLab / Single-Cell-Metabolic-Landscape
Forked from zhengtaoxiao/Single-Cell-Metabolic-LandscapePipeline for exploring metebolic heterogeneity at single-cell resolution
Code related to the 2023 AC-ICAM manuscript in Nature Medicine.
An introduction to matrix factorization and PCA and SVD.
The rendered book can be found at
Unix, R and python tools for genomics and data science
Providing the absolute human stemness index based on the gene pairs.
Graphical analysis of random forests with the randomForestSRC, randomForest and ggplot2 packages.
Using ggtree to Visualize Data on Tree-Like Structure