Ruby wrapper for PAYMILL API forked from dkd's paymill-ruby
- If you are not familiar with PAYMILL, start with the documentation.
- Install the latest release.
- Check the API reference.
- Check the specification examples.
- Take a look at the change log for recent updates and improvements.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'paymill_ruby', '~> 2.0', require: 'paymill'
And then execute:
$ bundle
The paymill gem is tested on Ruby 2.0.0, 2.1.x and 2.2.x. It requires ruby version 2.0 and up.
Initialize the library by providing your api key:
require 'paymill'
Paymill.api_key = '<YOUR PRIVATE API KEY>'
or by reading it from the envirounment variables
require 'paymill'
If you need to manage multiple divisions with different secret api keys of multiple Paymill accounts, see below.
Creating via factory method create, which expects an optional hash as arguments. If some of the required attributes are missing the method will throw ArgumentError.
With a hash of optional arguments:
client = Paymill::Client.create( email: '[email protected]', description: 'Main caracter in First Blood' )
Without mandatory arguments:
client = Paymill::Client.create
You can retrieve an object by using the find method with an object id:
client = Paymill::Client.find( 'client_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14' )
or with the instance itself:
client = Paymill::Client.find( client )
Update is done by modifying the instance variables of the object. The object itself provides accessor methods only for properties which can be updated.
client = Paymill::Client.find( 'client_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14' ) = '[email protected]'
client.description = 'Main caracter in First Blood II'
You may delete objects by calling the its instance method delete. The delete method will return nil
when the given object is removed successfully.
client = Paymill::Client.find( 'client_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14' )
To retrieve a list you may simply use the all class method
clients = Paymill::Client.all
You may provide filter, order, offset and count parameters to list method
clients = Paymill::Client.all( order: [:email, :created_at_desc], count: 30, offset: 10, filters: [email: '[email protected]', created_at: "#{4.days.ago.to_i}-#{2.days.ago.to_i}"] )
When you want to update the offer and to apply the new changes to its subscriptions you can pass an additional parameter update_subscriptions
set to true
to its instance method update
offer = Offer.find( 'offer_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14' )
offer.amount = 1000
offer.update( update_subscriptions: true )
To delete an offer and its corresponding subscriptions call
offer = Offer.find( 'offer_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14' )
To delete an offer but leave its corresponding subscriptions call
offer = Offer.find( 'offer_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14' )
To delete an offer and its corresponding subscriptions you can call the instance method delete with an argument remove_with_subscriptions
set to true
offer = Offer.find( 'offer_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14' )
offer.delete( remove_with_subscriptions: true )
To create a refund you have to pass a transaction, which you want to be refunded.
transaction = Transaction.create( token: '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', amount: 990, currency: 'EUR' )
refund = Refund.create( transaction, amount: 100 )
For transactions that are started client-side, e.g. PayPal checkout, it is required to first create a checksum on your server and then provide that checksum when starting the transaction in the browser. The checksum needs to contain all data required to subsequently create the actual transaction. In the examples below checksum is created with address, Shopping cart item and fee. Of course you can use all variations from this parameters to fit your needs.
Checksum.create( checksum_type: 'paypal', amount: 4200, currency: 'EUR', description: 'Chuck Testa', return_url: '', cancel_url: '' )
billing_address = name: 'Primary', street_address: 'Rambo Str.', street_address_addition: '', city: 'Sofia', state: 'Sofia', postal_code: 1234, country: 'BG', phone: '088 41 555 27' )
Checksum.create( checksum_type: 'paypal', amount: 4200, currency: 'EUR', description: 'Chuck Testa', return_url: '', cancel_url: '', billing_address: billing_address )
rambo_poster = name: "Rambo Poster", description: "John J. Rambo", amount: 2200, quantity: 3, item_number: "898-24342-343", url: "" )
comando_poster = name: "Comando Poster", description: "John Matrix", amount: 3100, quantity: 1, item_number: "898-24342-341", url: "" )
Checksum.create( checksum_type: 'paypal', amount: 9700, currency: 'EUR', description: 'Chuck Testa', return_url: '', cancel_url: '', items: [rambo_poster, comando_poster] )
Checksum.create( checksum_type: 'paypal', amount: 9700, currency: 'EUR', description: 'Chuck Testa', return_url: '', cancel_url: '', fee_amount: 100, fee_payment: 'pay_3af44644dd6d25c820a8', fee_currency: 'EUR', app_id: '8fh98hfd828ej2e09dk0hf9' )
It is also possible to add multiple divisions, if you need to access multiple Paymill accounts.
require 'paymill'
Paymill.add_api_key( 'division_1', 'PRIVATE API KEY DIVISION 1' )
Paymill.add_api_key( 'division_2', 'PRIVATE API KEY DIVISION 2' )
You access each division by passing the division's key to the query:
clients = Paymill::Client.all( division: 'division_1' )
offer = Offer.find( 'offer_b54ff8b3811e06c02e14', division: 'division_2' )
- Fork it
- Create feature branch
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Setup the project
bundle install
- Setup PAYMILL's keys in your environment:
- private test key
- public test key
- Run the tests
- all specs:
rspec .
- single spec:
rspec ./spec/paymill/models/client_spec.rb
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push your changes
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create new Pull Request