- ctags
- python
- powerline
- vim
- git
- tmux
- fish
$ ./arch_install.sh
or step by step
- Install above dependency
- For vim, run
$ git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
move vimrc to correct location and run
$ vim +PluginInstall
Edit powerline python path in vimrc
- For fish, move
to correct location, and edit python path and powerline bindings - For bash, move
to correct location, and edit python path and powerline bindings - For tmux, move
to correct location, and edit python path and powerline bindings - powerline color scheme, move powerline folder to
or move necessary file to correct location.
- ctags
- python, python-pip
- powerline(use pip)
- vim
- git
- tmux
- fish
step by step
- Install above dependency, for powerline
$ pip install --user powerline-status
$ wget https://github.com/powerline/powerline/raw/develop/font/PowerlineSymbols.otf
$ wget https://github.com/powerline/powerline/raw/develop/font/10-powerline-symbols.conf
$ mv PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.fonts/
$ fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts/
$ mv 10-powerline-symbols.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/
- For vim, run
$ git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
move vimrc to correct location and run
$ vim +PluginInstall
Edit powerline python path in vimrc
- For fish, move
to correct location, and edit python path and powerline bindings - For bash, move
to correct location, and edit python path and powerline bindings - For tmux, move
to correct location, and edit python path and powerline bindings - powerline color scheme, move powerline folder to
or move necessary file to correct location.
- conky-cairo
Conky Icons by Carelli.ttf file come from https://github.com/antoniocarelli/conky config modifed from same site.