This project allows you to encode and decode Morse code using your device flashlight and camera. For decoding was used augmented reality library OpenCV 2
All what you need to do:
- Copy "Morse Translation folders" to your project
- Conform your class to the protocol
- Init Morse assistant:
MorseAssistant * myMorseAssistant = [MorseAssistant initMorse];
myMorseAssistant.delegate = self;
- For begin transmission Morse code with your device flashlight you need to call:
[myMorseAssistant doCodingInMorseString:@"Hello in Morse" afterDelay:5.0];
- For begin decoding you need to call:
[myMorseAssistant doDecoding];
This delegate method-(void)UIUpdate;
will be helpful, in this method you can get live stream from camera and debug view, determine is flashing now or not, and get current morse transcript Example:
- (void)UIUpdate {
NSLog(@"FlashValue: %f", myMorseAssistant.m_detector->getFlashValue());
_lblMorseCode.text = myMorseAssistant.strFlashSignalInText;
[imageVRealWorld setImage:myMorseAssistant.imageRealWorld];
[imageVDebug setImage:myMorseAssistant.imageDebug];
if (myMorseAssistant.m_detector->isFlashing()) {
[imageAim setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"aimGreen"]];
else {
[imageAim setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"aimRed"]];
By default coding/decoding language determined by device's language, but you can change it by any time:
myMorseAssistant.iPreferLanguage = MorseCodeMessageLanguageEN;