Welcome to the Mandelbrot Operating System, a community driven OS by the youth. This OS is built by a humble (Or not so humble idk) group of teenagers over at Discord. We do this solely to have fun and to learn. We are not organized and are here to enjoy ourselves. Sounds appealing? Create a pull request!
This project is made for fun and learning. It's like tracing OS history, but with modern knowledge and without a lot of budget lol
sudo pacman -S base-devel qemu nasm xorriso mtools wget
sudo apt-get install build-essential qemu nasm xorriso wget mtools uuid-dev parted
Mandelbrot depends on some tools, like limine-install
, echfs-utils
and the GNU Toolchain.
If you are on an x86_64 system run
make toolchain
If you are not run
make toolchain_nonnative
After it's done, you can head over to Building and Running.
To build the OS itself, make sure you have built the toolchain. After that, you can
It will run the QEMU emulator by default.
By default the OS does nothing as we don't have a userland but stuff can be added to the kernel for testing purposes. There will often be remaining test code that is left over.
We code using GCC so any clang standards that may affect GCC will be ignored.
We also format our code in clang format so make sure to clang format the code before commiting.
We code in gnu99 standards. So this is C99 with GNU extensions. It is automatically set in the makefile. Just beware of that when coding.
When returning an error code from a function: make sure that returning 0 is success code. All other return codes are errors/failures and can be used to show what went wrong.
Name variables in snake case (uint64_t name_of_var
Give types _t's (typedef long int name_of_type_t
). Make sure this is in snake case too!
Constants must be in screaming snake case (All capitals snake case) (#define SOME_CONSTANT 0x1000
Macros follow the same laws as constants. (#define MAX(a, b) ({int \_a = (a), \_b = (b); \_a > \_b ? \_a : \_b; })
All comments are allowed but I would prefer if you used //
instead of /**/
All header files must have an ifndef with the file name in screaming snake case with double underscores on each side of them like this:
#ifndef __SOME_FILE_NAME_H__
#define __SOME_FILE_NAME_H__
// Code
This is an open source project. Reuse code. Just follow the license terms and we are good. :)