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An easy-to-use, adaptive content HUD, developed based on swift。基于Swift编写的一个简单高效的HUD组件


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Use cocoapods for integration

pod "HDHUD"


  • Easy to use, through different parameters to achieve different display effect
  • Plain text display
  • Display with icon, position of icon and picture supports customization
  • Progress bar display
  • Loading display
  • Adaptive text size
  • Multiple pop-up window sequence display, overlapping display, priority display
  • Specifies to close pop ups that are not shown in the sequence

show HUD

//show HUD
static func show(_ content: String? = nil, icon: HDHUDIconType = .none, direction: HDHUDContentDirection = .horizontal, duration: TimeInterval = 2.5, superView: UIView? = nil, mask: Bool = true, priority: HDHUDPriority = .high, didAppear: (()->Void)? = nil, completion: (()->Void)? = nil) -> HDHUDTask

//show progress HUD
static func showProgress(_ progress: Float, direction: HDHUDContentDirection = .horizontal, superView: UIView? = nil, mask: Bool = true, priority: HDHUDPriority = .high, didAppear: (()->Void)? = nil, completion: (()->Void)? = nil) -> HDHUDProgressTask

//show customview
static func show(customView: UIView, duration: TimeInterval = 2.5, superView: UIView? = nil, mask: Bool = true, priority: HDHUDPriority = .high, didAppear: (()->Void)? = nil, completion: (()->Void)? = nil) -> HDHUDTask

Use the above function to call the display function. All parameters have default values. Different styles can be displayed through different parameters, such as the following"Text Information", icon: .warn, direction: .vertical, duration: 3.0, superView: self.view, mask: true, priority: .high) {
       //Automatically closed callback

//plain text"纯文本展示")

//only icon .loading)

content specifies the pop-up content to be displayed

iconspecifies the style of the icon, representing no icon, success, failure, warning and loading respectively

direction can specify the arrangement direction of icons and text content. The default arrangement is horizontal or vertical

duration specifies the self-defined disappearance time. If it is transferred to' - 1 ', it will be displayed all the time, but it will disappear automatically after being prompted under normal circumstances

superView Superview is the current 'window' by default. If you want to bind a 'VC' view, you can pass it in. In this way, it will be destroyed with the destruction of 'superview', and there will be no interface conflict

mask whether the views below the shell layer can be clicked. When the shell layer appears, there will be a layer mask by default. You can choose whether the views below the mask respond to the click event

priority This is a very convenient function for daily use. It provides the following four options

public enum HDHUDPriority {
    case low
    case overlay
    case high
    case sequence

If no toast is currently displayed, these four options are invalid. When an existing toast is displayed and a new toast has called display, it will be displayed according to the following priority logic

  • low If a toast is displayed, this prompt will not be displayed and the priority will be the lowest
  • overlay The prompt and the currently displayed toast are superimposed at the same time, and the two prompts will overlap
  • high Close the toast currently being displayed, and immediately display the toast to be displayed. The default option is that if there are multiple toast, some toast may be hidden before being displayed. This is the logic of most HUD components
  • sequence At the end of the toast currently displayed, display the toast to be displayed and add it to the sequence to ensure that each prompt can be displayed. If there are too many toast, users may have to wait for a long time

didAppear Callback after HUD display

completion Callback after HUD disappears

progress HUD

The progress is optimized separately, so it is not necessary to hide and display

//Get progress pop-up task
let task = HDHUD.showProgress(0.1, direction: .vertical, priority: priority)

//Update progress
task.progress = 0.3

custom view

The function of displaying user-defined view is reserved to display the view written by yourself customView)

Note: you need to set the size constraint for your own view. You can set it with snapkit, for example

lazy var mCustomView2: UIView = {
     let view = UIView()
     view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
     return view
}() mCustomView2)

You can also use frame settings directly

lazy var mCustomView: UIView = {
     let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 100))
     return view

//显示 mCustomView)

HUD hide

NOTE: If there are other HUDs in the sequence to be displayed, the next HUD will be displayed

//Hide current HUD

//Hides the specified HUD
let task ="竖版排列")
HDHUD.hide(task: task)

Clear all HUDs, including those not shown in the sequence

//Clear all HUDs. Completevalid sets Whether to call back the task completion when the hud in the sequence is cleared
static func clearAll(completeValid: Bool = false) {}

//for example

Custom configuration

Provides a lot of customizable options, you can easily configure the background color, pop-up color, text color and so on

open class HDHUD {
    public static var warnImage = UIImageHDBoundle(named: "ic_warning")
    public static var warnImageSize = CGSize(width: 24, height: 24)
    public static var errorImage = UIImageHDBoundle(named: "ic_error")
    public static var errorImageSize = CGSize(width: 24, height: 24)
    public static var successImage = UIImageHDBoundle(named: "ic_success")
    public static var successImageSize = CGSize(width: 24, height: 24)
    public static var loadingImage = getLoadingImage()
    public static var loadingImageSize = CGSize(width: 48, height: 48)
    public static var isVibrate = false	//Whether it vibrates when displaying HUD
    #if canImport(Kingfisher)
    // If `loadingImageURL` is set, the URL resource will be used preferentially when loading images
    public static var loadingImageURL: URL? = URL(fileURLWithPath: URLPathHDBoundle(named: "loading.gif") ?? "")
    ///color and text
    public static var contentBackgroundColor = UIColor.zx.color(hexValue: 0x000000, alpha: 0.8)
    public static var backgroundColor = UIColor.zx.color(hexValue: 0x000000, alpha: 0.3) {
        willSet {
            self.bgView.backgroundColor = newValue
    public static var textColor = UIColor.zx.color(hexValue: 0xFFFFFF)
    public static var textFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)
    public static var contentOffset =
    public static var progressTintColor = UIColor.zx.color(hexValue: 0xFF8F0C)
    public static var trackTintColor = UIColor.zx.color(hexValue: 0xFFFFFF)

In particular, the loading icon uses the image by default, and the loop mode provided by the system is UIImage.animatedImage(with: imageList, duration: 0.6). If you want to use GIF images, you can integrate this pod

pod "HDHUD/gif"

After importing, set HDHUD.loadingImageURL. If loadingImageURL is set, the URL resource will be used preferentially when loading images

Hide button

When the duration of HUD is set to -1, HUD will always be displayed. In order to prevent the occurrence of logical bugs which will affect the user's operation. When the duration is - 1, a close button will be added in the upper right corner by default, which allows the user to decide whether to close the HUD. If you do not need this function, you can set isShowCloseButton to false

HDHUD.isShowCloseButton = false

broken 1.3.6 -> 2.0.0

  • Modify userInteractionOnUnderlyingViewsEnabled to mask, which has the opposite meaning. mask means that the view below the mask layer does not support click response, and the default value is false
  • Modify autoAddCloseButton to isShowCloseButton




An easy-to-use, adaptive content HUD, developed based on swift。基于Swift编写的一个简单高效的HUD组件





