This is a simple Serverless function that posts the latest tweets (in our case, @CovidVaccineBA) to a Discord channel.
The serverless.yml file is excluded here because it contains secrets. Sorry, I didn't want to spend the time digging into Serverless documentation to figure out how to do it the right way. (But feel free to ask for help if you need it!)
- An AWS account.
- A DynamoDB table named 'fauci-bot' (it's hardcoded in the function, but you
can change this of course) with the primary key
that is a string. - An IAM role that has basic AWS Lambda permissions and access to GetItem and PutItem for that specific DynamoDB table.
- Twitter Developer access so you can create an application to get a Bearer Token.
- A Discord server on which you have permissions to create a webhook.
Serverless probably provides a way to do this easily, but I simply do this:
Local testing requires AWS credentials to be set up locally. Serverless sets this up automatically.